At night, I saw my biological mother again.

The school called in my and Yu Qiang's parents, then Yu Qiang and I were kicked out of the counselor's office.

As we came out, Yu Qiang's mom hugged me tightly:

"Child, you're just under too much academic pressure, not mentally ill, right!"



My biological mother also hugged Yu Qiang:

"Child, even though... I also believe you don't need to go to a mental hospital, right!"

Yu Qiang:


At that moment, we finally realized that the urgent matter was to switch back bodies.

Otherwise, one day, we might end up locked in a mental hospital, never to come out in this lifetime.

We saw Yu Qiang's parents off at the airport, then Yu Qiang and I urgently met up at the hotel.

When I arrived, I fell into silence once again.

This idiot booked a luxurious themed room, and the staff, seeing the two of us enter, gave a knowing smile.

Yu Qiang shrugged:

"Can't help it, I'm too familiar with the boss. I just mentioned booking a room, and it turned out..."

Yu Qiang sat on the bed, patting the space next to him for me to come over.

I felt so disgusted that I just sat on a chair.

Next, we continued to discuss how to switch back; getting beaten up or struck by lightning clearly wasn't an option.

We stared at the pink lingerie on the wall, lost in thought.

Because in some not-so-serious Japanese comics, the solution to body swapping often involves...

The next moment, we shook our heads frantically, feeling nauseous at the thought...

However, after some brief consideration, it seemed plausible, like—kissing...

Yu Qiang stood up from the bed with a determined look:

"Come on, being grossed out is better than being toyed to death by you!"

I shuddered, but at the moment, there was no other way.

Yu Qiang took steps towards me, then tried to pin me against the chair.

As he leaned in with his eyes closed, I just gave him a flying kick:

"Get lost! Too disgusting! I'd rather die!"

Yu Qiang lunged at me, initiating a struggle:

"No, we must switch back today!"

However, he must have hit some button, as the pink chair suddenly moved.

The rocking chair hit Yu Qiang where it hurt, causing him to double over, then a second hit, knocking him out.

Meanwhile, I was tossed around in the chair, even speaking with a trembling voice.

When I reached out, the chair was still electrified, shocking me to the core, my voice trembling even more, "Ah... it's numb..."

As Yu Qiang got up, he also touched the electrified part, and the next moment, we were both shocked to the core.

Yu Qiang's voice turned weak.

It was then that I noticed a button under the chair, and I pressed it hard to stop the chair.

The room fell into an eerie silence, until the maid knocked on the door.

As I opened the door, the maid blushing, holding a towel:

"Sir, just now... didn't want to disturb you..."

I snatched the towel to cover my head, then shut the door, preserving my innocence!

But this time, we were certain that physical contact, electric shocks, and the like had no effect whatsoever.

We decided to give up and just live with it.

We could treat it like a simulation game, start over.

But we were too naive; the next day as we left, the hotel owner looked at us meaningfully:

"Young people these days, all about fun and games..."

Oh no, this attempt was a complete failure!
