Everything has turned out like that, no money, no connections, maybe the connections were cut off by the person who reported me.

I can only confess and resist strictly.

Finally, I was sentenced to intentional homicide, sentenced to 18 years.

The good news is, Shen Ming and Lin Mo were not held accountable, they don't have to accompany me in prison.

At that time, I was relatively weak and needed a few more days to recuperate before serving my sentence.

During those days, Lin Mo would put on the most beautiful makeup, sit by my bedside, and she said she would wait for me to come out.

No matter when I come out, she will wait for me, and then marry me.

I smiled and said yes, she still has to give birth to more children for me.

Maybe she was too tired during those days, or maybe she was emotionally hurt because of my situation, her face was extremely pale, I could feel her body was very weak.

I told her to rest well, not to accompany me every day, but she disagreed.

The day I left, she didn't cry, Shen Ming cried in a way that was unlike him.

She stood at the intersection, waving to me all the time, I knew she wanted to leave her most beautiful side for me, when I come out, she would be old and not beautiful anymore.

The days in prison were dull, day after day, year after year.

I also behaved positively inside, trying to reduce my sentence and get out early.

What surprised me was that in my fourth year inside, Chen Donglai also came in.

Because in the later period, the country cracked down more strictly on private gambling establishments, I don't know if he had taken lives, but he definitely committed serious offenses.

He should be in here too.

When we met, we didn't know what to say for a while.

But after so long in prison, our tempers had long been smoothed out.

I asked him about Hu San's grandson, he said he was dead.

I asked how he died.

He said, Hu San was also targeted by the police, he had many cases on him, illegal lending, violent debt collection, intentional harm, and even coercion into prostitution, etc.

When caught, he ran, and when he reached the top of an unfinished building, he lost his footing and fell to his death.

"Good riddance!"

Chen Donglai looked at me with a complex expression, then said, "You may not know, when you stabbed him twice back then, Hu San's leg was left with sequelae, he walked a bit unsteadily, if it weren't for his unstable leg, he probably wouldn't have died."

I laughed, what goes around comes around, this grandson's death was best because of my two stabs.

It's satisfying.

I asked him again, how did we pay back the money back then, logically, the money in my hands shouldn't have been enough.

He looked at me in shock and asked, "You don't know?"

"I don't know."

"Then... I won't tell you."

"Why are you beating around the bush."

Chen Donglai fell silent, as if struggling whether to tell me or not.

After about ten minutes, he didn't answer my question, but instead asked me.

"Is Lin Mo doing okay?"

I shook my head, "I don't know."

During my time inside, Shen Ming visited me once, he's busy with who knows what now.

Lin Mo, never came.

I asked Shen Ming about Lin Mo's situation, he said I hadn't been in for long before they separated, he tried calling her, but it was already a disconnected number.

"Then she might be dead."
