Thinking back now, not cutting Hu San's throat back then was a very correct decision.

As the saying goes, they were mainly after money, not murder. If they killed me, they would not only have blood on their hands but also wouldn't get the money.

If I had killed Hu San, I would definitely not have survived.

At that time, I was awakened by a bucket of cold water, my hands and feet were tied up.

Hu San's thigh was wrapped in bandages, and it took him more than ten lashes on me to vent his anger.

"Wu Ye, you are truly ruthless, I admire you. Now, tell me, how do we settle this score?"

"Settle it at your mother's grave."

He didn't waste words with me, just instructed his men to take care of me properly and not to kill me.

I must have been tortured quite miserably at that time, but in reality, I didn't feel much pain, maybe because I was on the verge of collapse and couldn't feel the pain anymore.

I don't know how long it had been, a month? Three months?

Hu San let me go, and the only reason he would let me go is if he got the money.

Coming to pick me up were my childhood friend Shen Ming and Lin Mo.

I asked Lin Mo where she got so much money from, but she didn't tell me. I asked Shen Ming, and he didn't know either. Shen Ming only knew that he had sold my shop, but it wasn't enough, still quite a bit short of what Hu San demanded.

That night, I lay motionless on the bed.

Lin Mo lay in my arms.

"When you get better, will you marry me?"

"Sure, I ended up like this today because I set my eyes on you."

She snuggled closer to me, crying softly.

"Once I recover from my injuries, we'll get married, then find a legitimate business to do, have a child, no, have three children. More people means less chance of being bullied..."

As I spoke, I fell asleep.

And I slept for three days straight.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was not Shen Ming or Lin Mo, but the police.

The incident of me killing Wang Gang had been exposed.
