Lin Zihang entered his in-laws' room late at night and asked me in the morning if I could ask my parents to lend the vacant house to Lin Zirui.

I couldn't help but laugh. I felt foolish once again.

I thought a few words from Lin Zihang would create a rift between him and his parents, but unexpectedly, they became united.

"You're too late. It's already been loaned to my cousin. You know he's engaged to his girlfriend, and since my parents don't have a son, they let him use it."

"How could you lend the house to a stranger? Why didn't you tell me about it when it's such a big deal?"

"The house belongs to my parents, and besides, my cousin is related to them by blood, but Zirui isn't."

I left Lin Zihang speechless, and he angrily went to work.

When Lin Zirui woke up, I kindly suggested that if it really wasn't possible, he should have his wife move into that house.

Talking is easy; as long as I don't have to spend money, it's fine.

In the following days, I went to my parents' house every day to have a meal and then recorded videos with my mom about my daily life during pregnancy.

Of course, I didn't show my face for now.

Without me as their free labor, Zhang Caixia started spreading rumors in the neighborhood:

"Sigh, it's all because my daughter-in-law can't cook in different styles. My daughter-in-law has been at her parents' home for almost a month now."

When it reached my ears, the words had changed to: "Your mother-in-law is everywhere saying that you despise them and want to drive them back to their hometown."

Dealing with this kind of gossiping woman, I naturally used her own tactics and gave her a taste of her own medicine.

Lin Zihang called me to question, "Yangyang, did you say outside that Mom and Dad want to lend our house to Zirui and it made you so angry that you went to your parents' house?"

Of course, I denied it and took the opportunity to hit back:

"Husband, we've been together for so long, don't you know what kind of person I am? Could it be that Mom misunderstood something? After all, the house is in your name, and they might be afraid that you won't support Zirui."

In short, you should know what kind of person your mother is.

The house isn't in your name, so it's not for you to decide what they can do with it.

I don't care about the arguments between Lin Zihang and his mother; what I'm most interested in now is my father-in-law, Lin Tiejun.

He met an old lady while playing cards in the park. They had a pleasant conversation and occasionally talked about joining a senior citizen travel group together.

Actually, this old lady's son travels around the country selling health products.

In my past life, Lin Tiejun was tricked out of fifty thousand yuan, and because of that, Lin Zihang canceled the maternity center I had booked.

Now, from time to time, I call Lin Tiejun to check on him and give him a few hundred yuan for playing cards, while also flattering him a bit, saying he's still young.

In addition, I hired the old lady to praise Lin Tiejun every day, gradually causing him to lose himself in the compliments. When he comes home and sees Zhang Caimei, who is full of foul language, he feels disgusted.

When Zhang Caimei realized something was wrong, Lin Tiejun had already made plans to fly kites by the river with that old lady.

While Zhang Caimei was tracking Lin Tiejun, I went back to the community and filmed my daily life, capturing some iconic buildings.

The clothes I left on the balcony were still there, and there were even some stains on them. The compartment where I placed my clothes in the room was in disarray, while Lin Zihang's compartment was neat and tidy.

I was missing a few bottles of my cosmetics, and there was no trace of the gold jewelry I had rearranged in the drawer.

Calculating the time, Lin Zihan should be coming back soon, and her return is bound to disrupt the peace at home.

In the evening, the whole familygathered for dinner. Lin Zihang sat next to me, his expression still somewhat tense from the earlier argument with his mother.

As we were enjoying the meal, Lin Zirui suddenly spoke up, breaking the silence.

"Brother, I have something to discuss with you and Yangyang."

Lin Zihang looked at his younger brother, puzzled. "What is it?"

"I've been thinking about my living situation, and I believe it would be best if I find a place of my own. I don't want to inconvenience anyone, especially considering the recent tensions."

Lin Zihang exchanged a surprised glance with me before responding, "Zirui, you don't have to worry about that. Our home is your home too, and we're family."

Lin Zirui smiled gratefully. "Thank you, brother, but I think it's for the best. I've found a small apartment nearby, and I'm planning to move there in a couple of weeks. It will give everyone more space and relieve some of the tension."

I could see that Lin Zihang wanted to protest, but he held his tongue and nodded instead. "If that's what you think is best, then go ahead. Just remember to let us know if you need any help."

Lin Zirui thanked him again and turned to me. "Yangyang, I hope you understand too. It's not that I don't want to be close to the family, but I think it's necessary for everyone's peace of mind."

I smiled at him, genuinely appreciating his consideration. "I understand, Zirui. We all have different needs, and it's important to respect that. If you think it's the right decision for you, then I support you."

With that settled, the atmosphere at the dinner table lightened significantly. We continued our meal, engaging in more pleasant conversations and sharing laughter.

After dinner, Lin Zihang and I helped Lin Zirui gather his belongings and move them to his new apartment. It was a small but cozy place, perfect for a fresh start.

Lin Zihang and I returned home, feeling a sense of relief and a renewed sense of harmony. With Lin Zirui having his own space, tensions between family members had eased, and we were able to focus on rebuilding our own relationship.

In the days that followed, I continued documenting my daily life for the pregnancy vlog, capturing moments of joy and anticipation. Lin Zihang and I also spent more quality time together, nurturing our bond and discussing our plans for the future.

As for Zhang Caixia, she gradually realized that her attempts to sow discord had failed. Instead, she found herself isolated, as Lin Tiejun grew more distant and disinterested in her company.

With the support of the old lady from the park, Lin Tiejun had discovered a newfound sense of confidence and joy. They often went on outings together, participating in various activities with the senior citizen travel group.

Zhang Caixia became increasingly bitter and resentful, her negative energy no longer affecting those around her. She felt like an outsider in her own home, and her influence diminished day by day.

Meanwhile, I focused on nurturing a peaceful and loving environment for our growing family. I continued to cherish the moments spent with my parents and maintained a positive relationship with them.

Life moved forward, and our journey as a family took shape. We faced challenges and overcame them, always prioritizing love and understanding.

And as for me, I found solace in knowing that the power of unity and genuine connections can overcome any obstacle.
