As the date of delivery approached, my mood became increasingly anxious, but finally calmed down completely after a phone call from Ji Qing.

Unexpectedly, this time it came a few days earlier than in my previous life, and it was still in the middle of the night, and I just hadn't returned to my parents' home.

I woke up Lin Zihang and asked him to quickly take me to the hospital, and drowsy as he was, he actually went to ask his mom first.

"Oh, the first baby is slow, there's no rush. When I had Zihang, I gave birth at home."

Lin Tiejun handed Lin Zihang a piece of paper: "I had someone look at the time, you can talk to the doctor about it when the time comes."

I was completely furious: "Lin Zihang, if you dawdle any longer, I'm calling 110."

Although this baby indeed took a while in my last life, I was still uneasy. By the time we reached the hospital, I was fully dilated.

The delivery process was surprisingly smooth, and my daughter came to my side once again.

When I was wheeled into the ward, my parents and Ji Qing had arrived, but none of the Lin family members were present.

I knew they despised me for having a daughter.

In my last life, upon hearing the nurse announce the gender, Lin Tiejun turned and left, and only Zhang Caimei and Lin Zihang stayed behind.

"Seeing their faces when they learned it was a girl, I had Zihang send them home to avoid getting you upset here."

I had already told my mom about my previous life, and at that time she thought I was sick and rushed me to see a doctor.

Lin Zihang urged me not to hold grudges against my parents, and I very considerately expressed my understanding. On the day of discharge, after exchanging glances with Ji Qing, I still followed Lin Zihang home.

Newborns always cry and fuss, but my daughter just ate and slept, and slept and ate, not giving me any trouble at all.

Even so, Zhang Caimei still found ways to stir up trouble.

"What's the need for diapers for a girl? No wonder she's not properly conceived, she doesn't look a thing like my son."

"Lying in bed all day like a pig waiting to be fed, spending money lavishly, does she really think she's got a queen's fate?"

I put headphones on my daughter, walked into the kitchen and grabbed a kitchen knife, then headed towards Zhang Caimei:

"I've given you enough face, haven't I? If you say one more word, I'll chop you to death."

She was so frightened that she fell to the ground, and as she came to her senses she cursed at me while walking out: "The world has turned upside down, a daughter-in-law wanting to chop me to death, I'll have my son beat you to death."

"Go ahead, anyone who doesn’t isn't a person. Your own husband is about to be taken away, and you still have the leisure at home to crack melon seeds. Luckily I'm not your real daughter, otherwise, I'd rather recognize someone else as my mother than have you, a coward."

"You, you wait and see."

Without Zhang Caimei's noise, I finally turned on the live broadcast.

In the past few months, with Ji Qing's help, the quality of my videos had greatly improved, and now I already had over two thousand followers.

Today, I had promised my viewers to demonstrate pediatric massage techniques. I fixed the camera on the baby's hands, and my voice appeared in the live room.

Just as I was engrossed in my explanation, the door was kicked open, and in my nervousness, I pushed the phone to the side.

This seemingly inadvertent action was something I had practiced many times, and the phone’s camera happened to be aimed right at the door.

Lin Zihang stormed in, followed by a smug Zhang Caimei.

"Fuyang, did you hit our mom?"

"What?" I was baffled, "What happened to mom?"

"Stop pretending," Zhang Caimei came out of the kitchen with the same knife, gesturing at me, "You were holding this big knife just now, threatening to chop me to death."

"Mom, what are you talking about? When did I even touch a knife?"

"Hanhang, did you see that? Your wife is denying it now. Your mother has been wronged, you decide what to do." She settled on the floor and gave herself a slap, "This old woman can't live anymore, my daughter-in-law hit me and my son doesn't care, I'd rather die."

I hurried forward to stop her, apologizing humbly: "Alright mom, it's all my fault, okay? Please stop making a scene, the baby is still sleeping."

"I don't need your fake sympathy!" She pushed me to the ground, pointing at Lin Zihang, "If you don't deal with her today, I'll jump off this balcony." Saying this, she rushed to the living room balcony.

The final outcome was that Lin Zihang, without hesitation, slapped me.

I felt dazed and didn't speak for a long time, merely staring at Lin Zihang, with tears streaming down like money was no issue.

Hit me, go ahead, I will ruin your family.

Lin Zihang felt guilty under my gaze, but he was still tough with his words: "I'm exhausted from work every day, and you just stay home with the kid. Can you stop fighting with mom? She raised me, it's already hard enough for her, can't you just cook a meal for once?!"

I knew Zhang Caimei would bring up old grievances, and Lin Zihang nailed it this time.

"But I just got discharged five days ago." With a heavy nasal voice, I felt extremely aggrieved, "Just a few words from your mom, and you beat me without distinguishing right from wrong! Lin Zihang, I am your wife, not your household's maid!"

"Get out, I don't want to argue in front of our daughter."

"This is our home; if anyone leaves, it's you, Fuyang, who should get out. What right do you have to drive my son away!"

Just after Zhang Caimei finished speaking, Lin Zirui's excited voice rang out at the door: "Mom, my wife gave me a few tickets to Sanya, let's go on a trip."

He was completely oblivious to the tense atmosphere: "Exactly five tickets, I already talked to little sis, so our family of five can meet in Sanya."

Zhang Caimei, deliberately trying to upset me, specially brought the tickets to my door to flaunt: "Oh, tonight's flight, Zihang, pack your things quickly."

"Mom, I'm not going. Yangyang is still in postpartum confinement."

"After we leave, let your mother-in-law come over. My health and your dad's aren't good, Zihang needs to look after Zihan. If you don’t come, what will we do if something happens to us?"

She started to wipe her tears again, and Lin Zihang rushed over to comfort her. Not a word left my mouth until our bedroom door was shut.

I seemed to forget my phone was still live-streaming. I silently packed my things, preparing to call my mom when I grabbed my phone.

Seeing that the livestream room already had tens of thousands of viewers, with comments flooding in one after another, I was startled, my swollen eyes filled with astonishment.

[Oh my god, is this scripted or real?]

[Looks real, that slap just now was solid.]

[This old woman is crazy, her daughter-in-law is still in postpartum confinement, and she wants to take the whole family on a vacation?]

[Started following the streamer when she had just ten followers, never saw her face, and the first time I do, it's this kind of scene.]

[Whether it’s real or not, streamer, go get her! The internet's justice is still justice.]

I wiped away my tears: "Sorry everyone, today's stream was interrupted. I'll teach you massage techniques another day."

[Don't end the stream, or we'll go to your house and beat up your husband.]

[Yeah, don't end it. What if they bully you again afterward?]

[Please don't, I want to see the drama play out.]

"But I want to call my mom to have her come pick me up. If they really leave, I can't look after the baby alone."

Relentless "we'll call for you" comments flooded the stream.

Then a familiar profile sent a comment: [I already called uncle and aunt, damn, Lin Zihang's family is disgusting, wait for me, Yangyang, I’ll bring people to deal with them.]

[That's the streamer's best friend, seen her send gifts before, love it.]

[Whether it's real or not, I'm eating this drama popcorn.]

[Streamer, hide the phone, they'll beat you if they find it.]

I hurriedly hid the phone under the quilt, and then took it out again, causing viewers to laugh and say I had become dumb after giving birth.

Before long, Lin Tiejun walked in humming a tune.

Finding out they were going on a trip, he grumbled about not being told earlier, and that he couldn't get used to night flights.

"What about the child when you all leave?" I asked in the living room, and all eyes turned towards me.

Lin Zirui: "Sorry, sis-in-law, forgot about you. Next time my wife gets tickets, I'll definitely take you."

Lin Zihang: "Isn't our daughter really well-behaved? Once we leave, call your parents to come over, and I'll come back after I settle mom and dad."

Lin Tiejun: "Yangyang, kids are not that much trouble, you can handle it alone."

Zhang Caimei: "When I was in postpartum, I washed clothes and cooked meals without any fuss. Young people today are too pampered."

This time I didn't back down:

"You can go on your trip, but if you step out today, don't come back except to your hometown. Since I can look after the child alone now, I won't need your help ever again."

An awkward silence filled the room, broken by Lin Zirui’s scoff: "Sis-in-law, you don't understand who's the master here."

"I live in my parents' house. Who dares to chase me out?"

"What did you say?" I couldn't believe my ears.

"Zirui, stop talking." Lin Zihang scolded.

Zhang Caimei glared at Lin Zihang: "What are you afraid of? Now that the child is born, you think she'll run? Even if she does, who wants a second-hand good with a child?"

"Yangyang, you're too immature." Lin Tiejun relaxed on the sofa, crossing his legs, "Truth is, the house owner is me, Lin Tiejun."

"Honey, what about the property certificate you showed me?"

Lin Zihang explained: "Yangyang, don't be mad. You know I have two brothers, and our parents gave me a house and need to give one to Zirui too. Our family can't afford it, so I had no choice but to create a fake certificate."

"I've been dating you for five years, feeling sorry for you, I asked for no betrothal gift, and we paid for our wedding ourselves. I endured your mom’s nastiness out of respect for you."

"But what about you? You actually deceived me!" Pointing at his hand, I was trembling, "You not only deceived me, but you also, without any solid reason, beat me for your mom's baseless accusations. Now you want to leave me alone during my postpartum period to vacation."

"Lin Zihang," along with grievances from my past life, I completely broke down, "I am divorcing you."

Before fainting, I saw Ji Qing bringing my parents rushing in.

I could no longer hold myself up.

This drama had come to its finale.
