When I arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, I received a call from my friend. I asked Lin Zihang to go in with my in-laws first, and then transferred 3,000 yuan to him, claiming that I had something to attend to.

"Tell me, why did you suddenly ask me to come out!"

When I saw my good friend Ji Qing, I couldn't hold back my tears.

In my previous life, Ji Qing accompanied my parents after my death, and she knew about my savings.

She asked Lin Zihang to take out some of the money for my parents, but by then, Lin Zihang had transferred all the money from my account, using it as a down payment for his brother's house. Faced with my parents' questioning, he only said that the money was used to repay their marital debts.

He knelt on the ground, crying bitterly, and my in-laws also showed great sorrow.

Poor my honest and straightforward parents, they comforted them not to be too sad.

Only Ji Qing felt that there was something suspicious about my death.

She first learned that my in-laws had left me behind and went on a trip, and then investigated the matter of the property certificate.

She chose to report to the police, and they told her that I did indeed accidentally fall from a building, and the family was not at fault.

Helpless, Ji Qing accused Lin Zihang's family online, but was instead slandered by Lin Zirui.

Nowadays, if society wants to destroy a girl, spreading false rumors is the most deadly.

I could only watch Ji Qing being attacked online, even though it was later proven that it was all untrue, the damage had already been done.

Now that I'm back, I won't let such things happen again.

I told Ji Qing that I wanted a divorce and told her about my in-laws forcing me to use my savings to buy a car for Lin Zirui, as well as the fake property certificate. Ji Qing was furious.

"We must get a divorce. I could tell that none of these people in his family are good."

"You're in the late stage of pregnancy now, you can't have an abortion. Just stay with me and I'll take care of you during your confinement."

"Jingjing, you're so kind." I hugged her tightly and rubbed against her.

"Fu Yang, remember, the first thing you should do when you're hurt in a marriage is to cut your losses in time, and then fight back while ensuring your own safety."

She hit the nail on the head.

Because originally, I planned to die together with the Lin family.

When faced with various difficulties caused by my in-laws in my previous life, I always believed that Lin Zihang would change for me, and in the end, I paid the price for my naivety with my life.

Since they were so concerned about my money, I decided to turn myself into a penniless person.

I returned to my parents' home and didn't go back until Monday. Early in the morning, Lin Zihang sent a WeChat message saying he was downstairs in the residential area, and my in-laws and Lin Zirui came with him.

I followed them to the downstairs of the residential area, just in time for the time to send the children to school and go to work.

I told Lin Zihang that I had lent the money out, afraid that he would think he was hallucinating, so I explained, "My cousin lost money in business, and the creditors came to break his legs. It's a matter of life and death, I can't not help."

"Fu Yang, you clearly promised to give money for Zirui to use, how can you go back on your word?"

As soon as my in-laws heard that the money was gone, they immediately surrounded me, and Lin Zirui was furious, "Sister-in-law, I already picked out the car yesterday, and now you're telling me there's no money. It's obvious that you're playing me."

Zhang Caimei's eyes turned and she grabbed my hand and said softly, "Yangyang, Mom knows you're a good girl. Are you worried that if Zirui uses the money, it won't be returned? Don't worry, I promise you that when you need help, Zirui won't forget his sister-in-law."

"That's right, wecan sign a contract, and Zirui will repay you in installments," Lin Zihang added, trying to appease me.

I smiled and shook my head. "It's not that I don't trust you, but I really can't help. The money has already been lent out, and it's not something I can take back."

My in-laws and Lin Zirui were stunned, unable to believe what they were hearing.

"How could you be so foolish? We trusted you with the money, and you just gave it away like that?" Lin Zirui shouted angrily.

I remained calm and said, "I'm sorry, but I had to make a difficult decision. It was a matter of life and death for my cousin, and I couldn't ignore it."

My in-laws and Lin Zirui were furious, but there was nothing they could do. They couldn't force me to magically produce the money.

I turned to Lin Zihang and said, "Since the money is gone, it's better for us to separate. I don't want to be a burden to you and your family anymore."

Lin Zihang looked shocked and pleaded, "Yangyang, don't be impulsive. Let's talk about this."

"There's nothing to talk about. Our marriage has been built on a foundation of lies and deceit. I can't continue living like this."

My words were resolute, and my in-laws tried to intervene, but I stopped them with a firm gaze.

"I've decided. I want a divorce."

My in-laws were stunned, and my mother-in-law burst into tears. "Yangyang, we treated you like our own daughter. How can you do this to us?"

I looked at her coldly and said, "If you treated me like your own daughter, you wouldn't have forced me to use my savings to buy a car for your son. You wouldn't have lied to me about the property certificate. I trusted you, but you betrayed me."

My words hit them hard, and they had no words to defend themselves.

Lin Zihang tried to persuade me again, but I remained firm in my decision. I had made up my mind to cut my losses and start anew.

I turned and walked away, leaving them behind. It was a difficult decision, but it was the right one for my own happiness and well-being.

As I walked away, I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. I was finally free from the toxic environment and the lies that had surrounded me.

I knew that the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but I was determined to rebuild my life and find true happiness.

I had learned my lesson from my previous life. I would never again sacrifice my own well-being for the sake of others.

With Ji Qing by my side, I knew I had a true friend who would support me through thick and thin.

As I stepped into a new chapter of my life, I felt a sense of empowerment and hope.

I was ready to face whatever challenges came my way and create a future that was truly mine.
