On the day Su Daji was taken away by the barbarians, she met Jiuniu.

Jiuniu told Su Daji that he was the guardian spirit of the Su clan.

Jiuniu revealed the conspiracy between King Zhou and Fei Zhong to Su Daji, and she told her, "The reason why King Zhou did this is to make you feel grateful and wholeheartedly become his queen."

Su Daji found it hard to believe. She couldn't believe that King Zhou would do such a thing.

"Why don't you believe it?"

"He is the ruler of the world, how could he go to such lengths and harm so many lives just to obtain me, a mere woman?"

The barbarians invaded the Su clan, and Su Hu and others fought desperately, with numerous casualties.

Jiuniu smiled and said, "In the eyes of Heaven, the sage, and the king of men, do you think the lives of thousands of common people are important? To him, the fact that thousands of common people are alive is not as important as watching you perform a dance for him. Let me tell you, men want to possess women, and this desire will make them restless. If you refuse to marry him, he will wipe out the Su clan."

Jiuniu let Su Daji know that she couldn't disregard the entire clan for her own personal feelings.

She was prepared to marry King Zhou, but before she left, she wanted to see Boyi Kao again.

Su Daji poured out all her thoughts to Boyi Kao, who remained silent. He said, "King Zhou is foolish, and all the feudal lords want to replace him."

"What about you? Do you also want to replace him?"

"I don't want the world, I only want you."

Su Daji cried, but she was helpless.

Jiuniu told Su Daji, "You and Boyi Kao are a perfect match, but because of King Zhou, you have to separate. Boyi Kao is an extraordinary person and will eventually unify the world. Do you know what he lacks for this opportunity?"

Su Daji shook her head.

"He is burdened by beauty," Jiuniu said, "and that beauty is you."


"When the Heavenly River flooded, Gun stole the earth to control the water, but he failed. He was killed by Emperor Shun, and his son Dayu wanted to avenge him. He found a woman from the Tushan clan and married her, thinking that with their formidable power, they could threaten Shun. But unexpectedly, the woman from the Tushan clan bewitched him and made Dayu's life difficult. Dayu, for the sake of the world, had no choice but to part with the woman from the Tushan clan. Eventually, he succeeded in controlling the flood, and Shun was forced to abdicate in favor of him."

"What does this have to do with me?"

"Do you know that the woman from the Tushan clan worships me? That's why she was born with a captivating charm that made Dayu lose his determination. You also worship me and are protected by me. You are the most captivating woman in the world for men. If you stay with Boyi Kao, although it would be a perfect love, it would make him lose his determination." Jiuniu said, "Do you want the world to continue to be ruled by the foolish King Zhou?"

That Jiuniu, not only could enchant men, but also women. Su Daji couldn't resist Jiuniu's words and agreed to her request.

After obtaining Su Daji, King Zhou indulged in revelry every night. Su Daji made many outrageous demands, and King Zhou tried his best to fulfill them. King Zhou's love made Su Daji's feelings of love for him grow stronger and stronger.

The hatred of the civil and military officials towards Su Daji made her harbor a hatred towards fate, and this hatred ultimately turned towards Boyi Kao.

She thought: For the sake of helping you establish your empire, I not only sold my own body but also carried the blame of the people. The more she thought about it, the more angry she became, and this anger grew infinitely. In the end, it led to the tragic scene of Su Daji cutting Boyi Kao into pieces. "I'll cut you into pieces and see how you can proclaim yourself king and emperor!"

Boyi Kao's past was all caused by Jiang Ziya.

But what could Jiang Ziya do?

At this moment, he finally understood the unwillingness Jiuniu felt back then.

After King Zhou was overthrown by the Zhou dynasty, rewards were given to the officials based on their contributions, but Su Daji, because she bewitched King Zhou, did not receive any rewards. Jiuniu went to find Nüwa, but was turned away. Nüwa said, "I allowed you to seduce King Zhou, but who told you to kill so many innocent people?"

"It's not killing innocent people, how can I determine King Zhou's fate?"

"Killing innocent people is a crime. Do you dare to argue with me?"

Conspiracy cannot compete with strategem, and Jiuniu could not compete with Nüwa. In the end, she became a sacrifice in Nüwa's plan.

Jiang Ziya was the same.
