Dongdong Mountain is poor! How poor is it?

Banpo'er Ba and I squatted at the mountain pass for five days, but couldn't find a way through.

The ancient secret method — hitting with a stick, was completely ineffective in actual combat.

Finally, we were so hungry that we stripped the sunflowers in the mountain, gathered two catties of sunflower seeds, just enough to satisfy our hunger.

The sunflower spirit covered its body and cursed us for being shameless. In the end, it was Banpo'er Ba who came up with a clever idea.

He bribed the sunflower spirit with a splash of excrement before finally stopping, otherwise, we would have to report it to the Land God.

Banpo'er Ba and I counted the days with our fingers and realized that it would still be three months before Tang Monk and his disciples arrived at Dongdong Mountain.

If it weren't for the generous conditions offered by Guanyin Bodhisattva, we would have run down the mountain to the temple to find an old monk to be our master.

I clearly saw that in today's world, monks eat better than monsters.

Back in Jiesai Country, when the Marquis said "white flowers", we would have thought of a girl's thigh without a doubt.

Now, here in Dongdong Mountain, if someone says "white flowers", we would think of the big steamed buns in the temple down the mountain.

We did go to the temple down the mountain to beg for food, and the old monk laughed when he saw us:

"This is the first time I've heard of someone begging alms from a monk."

Banpo'er Ba argued with him:

"Under what law in this world does it say that only monks can receive alms, but others can't receive alms from monks?"

The last time, the old monk won the argument and beat Banpo'er Ba in a fight.

This time, the old monk lost the argument, got angry, and beat Banpo'er Ba in a fight again out of humiliation.

Before we left, the old monk asked me:

"Is there actually a law in this world that says others can't receive alms from monks?"

I quickly nodded and said that monks are the greatest law in the world.

The old monk patted my head, put his hands together, and said:

"You are teachable."

Before leaving, he gave me two large white steamed buns.

Banpo'er Ba sat on the ground feeling wronged and started crying, saying why he got beaten up while I got to eat the steamed bun.

I gave one to Banpo'er Ba, and only then did he reluctantly stand up, grumbling.

Later, when I mentioned going to the temple to beg for food again, Banpo'er Ba refused to go no matter what.

He said he had figured it out, that if we went to the temple, it would be like me stealing the donkey and him undoing the tether.

So, Banpo'er Ba decided to leave me and go find food on his own, with each of us searching for food for a day.

But on the first day, something happened. Banpo'er Ba met someone at the mountain pass of Dongdong Mountain.

With one hit of the stick, he brought the person back, who was in a sack, saying:

"You can't arrest me, I am a monster appointed by Guanyin Bodhisattva."

"The Bodhisattva said that I must wait for Tang Monk and his disciples to arrive at the mountain ahead."

"This is a problem, it will delay the KPI for the scriptures, can you handle it?"

The person in the sack cursed and complained, angering Banpo'er Ba who hit him down again with the stick.

When he woke up again, due to my mistake in placing the knife, he had already changed into a different appearance.

Coming out of the sack, he arrogantly said:

"It's all your fault. Tang Monk was about to enter my mountain."

"Now, it's all messed up, missed it, I'm so mad."

We looked at his one meter eight stature, with a palm-wide chest hair, and that coquettish voice, we almost vomited out the leftovers from last night.

But then we realized the problem in his words — Tang Monk arrived early?

Just as we were pondering, Guanyin Bodhisattva appeared.

She was obviously in a hurry, speaking in dialect:

"Listen, Tang Monk arrived early, you guys, hurry up and arrange things."

"Embarking on the journey to get the scriptures was arranged by our brother, if he arrives early, we can't just sit around."

"You have to delay for fifteen days, get moving."
