The monster organization in Dongdong Mountain quickly expanded by 50% under the mediation of Guanyin Bodhisattva, achieving impressive results.

As a result, the two unsatisfied fish spirits in the monster caves and huts turned into three monsters.

The newcomer didn't hold a grudge against me for cutting him. His lifelong dream was to transform from a human into a monster.

He said being a monster is great. No need to work, no 996, no boss exploitation, no wife nagging.

As long as you're ruthless, you can enjoy delicious food and spicy dishes every day.

I helped him fulfill his dream with a single slash, after all... humans who become monsters can also be considered monsters.

He gave himself a fancy name - the Charming Demon King.

After three days in Dongdong Mountain, he cried and shouted to go back, saying he didn't expect to be hungry for nine meals as a monster.

He missed the 996 life, missed being exploited by the boss and nagged by his wife.

Me and Benbo'er Ba asked him what he used to do and whether his wife was pretty.

He thought for a moment, he had a meaningless job and a meaningless wife, so he settled down in Dongdong Mountain.

The monster organization in Dongdong Mountain couldn't be without a name. The three of us pondered for a long time.

Benbo'er Ba said that in the future, we should be able to eat chicken every day.

The Charming Demon King said he didn't like chicken because he used to love a girl who turned out to be a prostitute.

Me and Benbo'er Ba looked at him with mischievous smiles. Later, we found out that the girl was really selling Spicy Chicken.

So, Benbo'er Ba changed his mind and said we should have chicken and meat every meal, preferably beef because beef is expensive.

Based on this simple and unadorned idea, our organization had a beautiful name - the Chicken and Beef Special Forces.

However, the most important thing was the task given to us by Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Tang Sanzang is the reincarnation of the Golden Cicada, protected by Buddha's light, and little monsters like us can't get close to him.

Not to mention Sun Wukong, the Great Sage who wreaked havoc in the Heavenly Palace. His reputation has remained strong for over five hundred years.

We three worthless creatures are no match for him.

The remaining two, one is Marshal Tianpeng and the other is General Juansheng, probably won't fight either.

Finally, the Charming Demon King spoke up:

"How about using our wits to take him down?"

We pondered for three days and nights, but couldn't come up with a good plan until Tang Sanzang and his disciples were about to pass that mountain ahead.

It was Benbo'er Ba who came up with a good idea:

"Why don't we seek help from the old monk in the temple?"

This time, Benbo'er Ba was much smarter. He wore a helmet and followed behind us.

The old monk, upon hearing that it was Guanyin Bodhisattva's task, had a kind expression and gave us three strategies: top, middle, and bottom.

The top strategy was to hold a grand banquet, invite Tang Sanzang and his disciples, and listen to Tang Sanzang preach for fifteen days. Then, the matter would be resolved.

Unfortunately, we ourselves were hungry for nine meals in three days. Where would we get the food to entertain Tang Sanzang and his disciples?

The middle strategy was a sixteen-character tactic: retreat when the enemy advances, harass when the enemy camps, attack when the enemy tires, chase when the enemy retreats.

It was a good plan, but it sounded familiar, as if it had been said by a great leader far away.

The bottom strategy was simple - dig a hole and die in front of Tang Sanzang. Monks are kind-hearted, they will hold funerals, perform rituals, and observe the seven-day mourning period.

Calculating, fifteen days would pass by.

Benbo'er Ba was furious and cursed the old monk as a bald donkey for not coming up with any good ideas.

The old monk smiled and bowed to Benbo'er Ba.

When Benbo'er Ba returnedfrom his rage, he realized that the old monk's strategies were actually profound and had hidden meanings. He felt ashamed of his outburst and apologized to the old monk.

Upon reflection, Benbo'er Ba realized that the top strategy of holding a grand banquet was not about providing physical food, but rather about nourishing the mind and soul. By listening to Tang Sanzang's teachings for fifteen days, they could potentially change their perspectives and resolve their conflicts peacefully.

The middle strategy, with its familiar-sounding tactics, reminded Benbo'er Ba of the famous military strategist Sun Tzu and his book "The Art of War." He understood that it emphasized the importance of flexibility, adaptability, and seizing opportunities in warfare. By employing these tactics, they could outmaneuver Tang Sanzang and his disciples without direct confrontation.

As for the bottom strategy, digging a hole and pretending to die, Benbo'er Ba realized that it symbolized a complete surrender of their old selves. By letting go of their previous identities as monsters and embracing a new beginning, they could start afresh and follow the path of righteousness.

Benbo'er Ba shared his newfound understanding with me and the Charming Demon King. We were all amazed by the depth and wisdom of the old monk's strategies. We realized that the true challenge was not in defeating Tang Sanzang and his disciples, but in transforming ourselves.

With renewed determination, we decided to implement all three strategies simultaneously. We would hold a grand banquet, engage in tactical maneuvers, and symbolically "die" in front of Tang Sanzang.

We prepared for the grand banquet with whatever food we could gather from the mountain. We decorated the surroundings with flowers, incense, and colorful banners. When Tang Sanzang and his disciples arrived, we welcomed them warmly and listened attentively to Tang Sanzang's teachings.

During the banquet, we subtly employed the tactics of Sun Tzu, retreating when they advanced, harassing when they camped, attacking when they tired, and chasing when they retreated. We created a sense of constant movement and uncertainty, making it difficult for Tang Sanzang and his disciples to grasp our true intentions.

Finally, after fifteen days of the banquet, we staged our symbolic death. We dug a hole and lay still in front of Tang Sanzang, pretending to be lifeless. The monks, being kind-hearted, performed the necessary rituals and mourned for seven days.

During this time, Tang Sanzang and his disciples witnessed our transformation and were deeply moved by our sincerity. They realized that we had changed from monsters into beings seeking redemption and enlightenment.

As the seven-day mourning period concluded, we rose from the hole, reborn with a newfound purpose. Tang Sanzang offered his guidance and accepted us as his disciples, believing that we had the potential to overcome our previous natures and walk the path of righteousness.

Under Tang Sanzang's tutelage, we embarked on a journey of self-improvement and enlightenment. We learned the true meaning of compassion, wisdom, and selflessness. Together, we formed a formidable team, known as the Chicken and Beef Special Forces, dedicated to protecting the innocent and upholding justice.

Our encounter with Tang Sanzang and the old monk in Dongdong Mountain turned out to be a turning point in our lives. We discovered that true strength lies not in physical power, but in the transformation of one's heart and mind. With this newfound understanding, we set out on a quest to make amends for our past wrongdoings and contribute positively to the world.
