The fact has proven that Lin Yan is right.

By noon, the hot topics on the internet were all about zombies. It's not just our country; even other countries have started to collapse. The discussions about the end of the world on the internet made everyone feel hopeless.

Although it is known that the head is the vulnerable spot of zombies, the speed of eliminating zombies is far slower than the speed at which they reproduce.

In just a morning, groups of zombies have already gathered outside the residential area, and occasionally, one can faintly hear crying from downstairs.

Since the police left, the management office has tightly closed the gates of the residential area. Fortunately, there have been no further infections within the area, but there are family members of the residents outside the gates. Because the management office has cut off the power supply to the access control system and they can't get in, their fate is to be bitten to death by zombies outside the gates and eventually assimilated into zombies themselves.

The owners in the community group are filled with curses. There is a housewife who just gave birth to her second child and is currently in her confinement month. She is cursing the property management in the group because her husband was bitten to pieces outside the gates and turned into a zombie.

I feel a bit emotional and turn my head to look at Lin Yan. He is engrossed in manipulating a microscope.

"Are you observing the virus?"

He "hmmed" in response.

Lin Yan is an enthusiastic scientific researcher. He not only conducts research at the institute but also has some equipment set up at home. Because he is busy with work, he rarely comes home and spends most of his time in the dormitory at the institute. I have complained before that he is wasting money and occupying space at home. But now, it turns out to be useful.

I am completely clueless about these things, so I don't bother him and take the drone to the terrace.

After getting ready, I control the drone to fly down from the twenty-third floor, maintaining a height of about three or four floors, observing the streets at this moment.

The residential area where I live is not far from the city center's CBD, only about six or seven kilometers away. It's no problem for my drone to fly there.

Along the way, I noticed that there aren't many zombies on the streets, and the number decreases as I approach the commercial district. Instead, more of them are gathered in residential areas.

It's probably because the authorities issued a message at the very beginning, telling everyone not to go out, so there aren't many foolish people running outside.

Now, most people are prepared and staying in their safe homes. As I control the drone to fly back, I hear a roar above my head. I look up and see a military helicopter hovering in front of me.

After circling around the residential area, it leaves.

I tell Lin Yan about this, but he doesn't react much. He just says, "They will definitely send rescue teams from above, or distribute supplies to the public. They must be doing their best to research antibodies."

As a national worker, Lin Yan truly trusts the country.
