I think my complexion must not be good now. My hands have been trembling, and my legs can't exert any strength. I want to stand up, but I've tried several times and failed.

The end of the world, how did it become the end of the world?

Thoughts kept running through my mind, along with many questions echoing in my head, and for a moment, it felt like my mind was about to explode.

I know I should quickly call my relatives and friends to prepare, but it's 3 a.m. now. Who would believe me?

In addition, considering the scene just now, it's evident that the situation is still being kept confidential. The country has always been efficient in handling such matters. Perhaps this isn't a zombie outbreak, but rather an alternative form of rabies or escaped lunatics from a mental institution?

Although my mind has been trying to find excuses for what I just witnessed, my trembling hand couldn't help but search online for news about zombies, the apocalypse, and the like.

However, obviously, what came up were either novels or movies, or various jokes and memes, without any useful clues.

Clearly, everyone is still living in a joyful era, without the slightest hint of an impending apocalypse. Occasionally, there might be complaints about closures or outbreaks in certain areas, but it seems to have become the norm.

Just when I thought I wouldn't find any useful information, I suddenly came across a video that caught my attention.

【The ** virus, frozen for thousands of years, has been revived by scientists. This is the oldest ancient virus known to date.】 I used to watch this kind of short video before and would always join in the banter for fun. But today, the video I watched made me particularly alarmed.

Because at the very end, the author wrote these words: 【Due to a laboratory accident, the virus leaked, and there may be a certain extent of spreading. Stay safe.】

This didn't seem like a regular post or a joke; it felt more like a farewell letter. Sure enough, when I wanted to watch it again, the video was gone, and I couldn't find it anywhere on the internet.

Now my heart grew even colder. Although I said I didn't believe it and tried to find evidence to refute his claims, a terrible thought lingered in my mind: what he said was true.

In an instant, countless scenes from movies and novels flashed through my mind—post-apocalyptic scenarios with zombies chasing people, devouring them in a frenzy. Although the final outcome was always the victory of the protagonist group, I knew very well that I wouldn't be that protagonist.

Without survival skills and with poor physical abilities, if I were to go out, I would be one of the first to be devoured.

Not to mention, the residential area is sealed off, and I simply can't leave.

Wait... right, our residential area is sealed off. Our country is different from others. Even if it really is the end of the world, the government won't just leave us be. Think about the SARS outbreak in the past, think about the COVID-19 pandemic...

But what if... if it truly is an apocalypse with zombies roaming?

With this thought, I finally made up my mind. I can't just sit here and wait for death. Even though I believe in the country, I still need to be prepared.

First of all, regardless of whether it's a real apocalypse or not, I have to inform my parents. Even if it's not, the lockdown is real, and it's probably due to some other virus outbreak. It's important to protect themselves and not wander around carelessly.

So, under the circumstances of approaching 4 a.m., I called my mother.

It's not polite to make phone calls late at night, but considering the situation, I couldn't care less about that.

No one answered the first time, so I continued calling, and the second time, it was picked up after a few rings.

"What's wrong? It's late at night. Did something happen?"

I could hear my mother's anxious voice on the other end of the phone. I couldn't hold it in any longer, and tears immediately started flowing.

"Mom, Mom, everything I'm about to tell you is true. You must remember it, remember it well."

As soon as I spoke, I choked up and couldn't hold back.

"Tell me, calling so late at night, it must be something serious! Don't be afraid, take a deep breath and tell me what's going on."

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down.

"Mom, I saw something tonight. Something unimaginable. I saw... zombies."

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and then my mother let out a nervous laugh.

"Zombies? Are you watching some scary movie? It's late at night, and you've scared yourself."

"No, Mom, I'm serious! I saw them with my own eyes! They were attacking people, biting them... It was horrifying!" I pleaded, my voice trembling.

My mother's tone turned serious. "Are you sure, dear? Have you called the police? You shouldn't be alone in such a situation."

"I haven't called the police yet. I wanted to call you first and make sure you're safe. Please, Mom, stay indoors and take all the necessary precautions. Lock all the doors and windows, and don't open them for anyone except the authorities."

There was a moment of silence on the other end, and then my mother spoke with a sense of urgency.

"Okay, listen to me carefully. I believe you, and I'll take your words seriously. Your father and I will follow your instructions. Just stay calm and take care of yourself. We'll do everything we can to stay safe."

I felt a wave of relief wash over me. My mother's trust and support meant everything to me in that moment.

"Thank you, Mom. Please be careful and stay safe. I'll do everything I can to protect myself too. We'll get through this together."

We exchanged a few more words of reassurance before ending the call. Although I still had many uncertainties and fears, knowing that my parents were taking the situation seriously gave me some comfort.

I realized that I couldn't rely solely on others or the government to ensure my safety. I needed to take immediate action to protect myself and gather as much information as possible.

I started searching for local news, social media updates, and any official announcements related to the situation. I also reached out to friends and acquaintances to share information and support each other.

As the night progressed, I prepared an emergency kit with essential supplies, such as food, water, medical supplies, and tools for self-defense. I made sure to secure my home and reinforce the doors and windows.

I couldn't ignore the possibility that this was indeed the beginning of a zombie apocalypse. Even if it wasn't, being prepared for any emergency was always a wise choice.

The night was long and filled with anxiety, but I was determined to stay vigilant and do everything I could to survive. The world might have changed overnight, but I refused to let fear paralyze me. I would fight, adapt, and strive to see another day.
