I woke up because I needed to pee.

Although I'm a little fairy, I still have bodily functions.

After taking care of my physiological needs, I checked my phone. Wow, it's 3 a.m., and I actually slept for 12 hours straight. No wonder I feel so refreshed now.

As a night owl who cultivates immortality, in the past, I would have definitely called my friends and gone out to have fun.

But now I'm in my hometown, and there aren't many entertainment venues in the county town, especially in our neighborhood where most people are elderly. It's already dark and quiet.

Ding! I opened a can of cola, slightly pulled open the curtains, and prepared to get artistic.

Leaning on the railing, gazing into the drizzling rain... Hmm?

Before I could fully immerse myself in art, I glanced and saw that the entrance to the neighborhood was blocked. Since our neighborhood is quite large, I couldn't see the situation at other entrances, but if the main gate is blocked, the other gates probably won't be open either.

What's going on? Why is it suddenly sealed off? Is there a resurgence of the epidemic?

Baffled, I unlocked my phone, which I had put on silent mode. When I saw the community notice, I was at a loss for words. Oh boy, not only did I sleep through all the quarantine information, but I also missed out on collecting supplies.

Quarantine is not unfamiliar to me. When the epidemic was rampant a few years ago, quarantine was a common occurrence. I even spent my college years in quarantine. Even now, I still occasionally hear about places being sealed off! Stay calm!

Although I'm not panicking, I'm still annoyed. Finally, I took a vacation, but I can't go anywhere, and now my home is sealed off. There's no one at home, so who can I complain to? Oh right, I can't work until the quarantine is over. I can't say for sure if I'll get paid this month. Thinking about it makes me even more frustrated.

The more I think about it, the harder it is for me to fall asleep. I brought over a recliner and lay down, watching the streetlights outside. The pitch-black night, only the streetlights facing me. How miserable!

Just then, I saw several people walking on the road. It's late at night, and they shouldn't be walking in the middle of the road without any cars.

As I watched those staggering figures, I thought to myself, "Have they had too much to drink?" Just as I was making fun of them, a few police cars arrived, and a fully armed pair of police officers got out of the cars. Just when I thought those people were going to be arrested, something unusual happened.

"Damn, they dare to attack the police. How much have they had to drink?!"

The previously sluggish individuals suddenly rushed towards the police officers with astonishing agility, as if they were performing stunts in a movie.

Although the police officers outnumbered them, some officers were knocked down. Then a brawl broke out. The police were well-equipped and currently had the upper hand, but the other side seemed to know martial arts and didn't seem afraid of pain. They would get up and continue fighting even after being kicked away.

As a common trait of the Chinese people, the first instinct when seeing something exciting is to record it. But I was cautious. It seemed like they were carrying out some secret mission. To avoid unnecessary trouble, I silently recorded the scene from behind the curtains.

"In case these people try to extort someone in the future, I'll bring out the video as evidence to prove that they attacked the police first."

I muttered quietly while recording with enthusiasm.

Because my phone has a high pixel count, I could see things more clearly from the phone than directly from the window.

As I watched, I noticed something was off about these stunt performers. Their faces had turned green, and their veins were bulging. Their movements seemed unnaturally rigid, as if twisted. Wait, I feel like I've seen this somewhere before!

Just as I was contemplating, I saw one of the performers knock off a police officer's helmet and then bite their neck. Blood gushed out, and my phone fell onto the recliner. I was terrified!

I remembered now. I had seen this scene in a movie, a disaster film called "Apocalyptic Zombies."

This... Is it really the apocalypse? It's not just drunkenness,but an outbreak of zombies?

I quickly picked up my phone and continued recording. This was valuable evidence! If the world really fell into chaos, this video might be worth a lot of money!

While my mind was racing, I heard the sound of sirens getting closer. Reinforcements were arriving!

The newly arrived police officers swiftly joined the fight, and together with their colleagues, they managed to subdue the zombie-like attackers. The situation was gradually brought under control, but not without casualties.

As the chaos settled, I realized that this was not just a movie or a dream. It was happening right in front of my eyes.

I quickly locked my doors and windows, ensuring that I was safe inside my home. The quarantine measures suddenly made sense. The authorities must have known about the outbreak and sealed off the neighborhood to contain it.

While fear and uncertainty filled my mind, a glimmer of hope emerged. If the authorities were taking action, there might be a chance to survive this apocalypse. I needed to stay calm and follow their instructions.

I continued to observe the situation from the safety of my home, hoping for more information and guidance. My mind was filled with questions: How did this outbreak happen? Would it spread beyond our neighborhood? What should I do to protect myself?

I knew I couldn't rely solely on the authorities to keep me safe. I needed to prepare myself mentally and physically for the challenges ahead. I started gathering essential supplies, such as food, water, and medical kits.

As I stocked up on provisions, I couldn't help but think about my loved ones who were not with me. I wondered if they were safe and if I would ever see them again.

Days turned into weeks, and the situation remained dire. The infected population grew, and the authorities struggled to contain the outbreak. It became clear that this was not a temporary crisis but a long-term battle for survival.

I decided to reach out to my friends and family, using whatever means of communication were still available. We formed a support network, sharing information, resources, and emotional support. In these dark times, our bonds grew stronger than ever.

Together, we devised strategies to navigate the dangers of the outside world. We created a safe haven within our neighborhood, fortifying our homes and establishing community defenses. We took turns standing guard, ensuring that no infected individuals could breach our defenses.

As the days turned into months, we faced numerous challenges. We mourned the loss of friends and neighbors who succumbed to the infection. We witnessed the collapse of societal structures and the rise of new power dynamics.

But amidst the chaos, we also discovered the strength of human resilience and compassion. Strangers became allies, and acts of kindness became the currency of survival.

As I reflect on my journey from that fateful night, I realize how much I've grown as an individual. I've learned to adapt, to be resourceful, and to find hope even in the darkest of times.

The world may be overrun by zombies, but as long as there are people like me who refuse to give up, there will always be a glimmer of hope for humanity.

And so, I continue to fight, to survive, and to believe that one day, we will reclaim our world from the clutches of the undead.
