Half dreaming, half waking, I seemed to see that figure again. She was getting closer and closer to me, close enough for me to see her face.

She resembled me to some extent, or rather, I began to resemble her more and more.

For some reason, there was a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked.

She didn't answer, just walked forward, but when she realized I wasn't following, she stopped.

Was she waiting for me?

I walked towards her position, and she started moving again.

Gradually, I realized that the scene in the dream had turned into this temple.

She led me through one corridor after another, finally stopping in an inconspicuous compartment.

She gestured with her hand and then disappeared.

I suddenly woke up from the dream and found myself tied up in a meditation room, and my phone had been confiscated.

I didn't know what time it was, but the meditation room was dimly lit, and only a few rays of light coming through the window let me know the environment. I always felt countless pairs of eyes staring at me from all directions, but when I looked around, all I could see were small Buddha statues scattered around.

These small Buddha statues were exactly the same as the ones in the Buddha hall, with kind expressions meant to save all beings, but I felt something eerie about them.

The door creaked open, and it was Wang Pu.

After Wang Pu came in, he lit a calming incense, lifted my face, examined it for a while, and said with satisfaction, "I originally planned to accompany you for the remaining half a month, but unfortunately, you found out. But it's okay, as long as I guide you a little, you will come with me."

"What do you want to do?" I stared at him fiercely.

"Don't make that expression, she never made that expression." Wang Pu looked at me dissatisfied.

She? It should be the girl from the dream.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel sad. The person I had loved for so many years had never loved me.

"Will she be happy with what you're doing?" I asked him.

Unexpectedly, he became angry, "What do you know? Soon she will be able to resurrect using your body, and then we can continue to be together."

He really wanted to resurrect his former lover using my body. I stared at him fiercely, wishing I could take a bite out of him.

He quickly calmed down and regained his gentle and elegant demeanor, "I almost forgot, you haven't taken the Soul Incense Pill yet."

After saying that, he left the meditation room.

I looked at the calming incense burning continuously in the room and gradually felt drowsy. I bit my tongue hard to keep myself awake. He was gone, this was the best chance to escape.

Before coming here, I made some preparations. I brought a dagger in case of danger, but it was confiscated. However, I also brought the blades from my eyebrow razor hidden in my sleeve.

Carefully, I took out the blade and cut the rope, regaining my mobility. I quickly left the meditation room.

After reaching the corridor, I found that the layout nearby was exactly the same as in my dream. Where was the place that the girl in my dream pointed me to?

Could it be where her remains were hidden?

I followed the path from my dream and soon arrived at that small compartment. I pushed open the door, and inside was a plain jar.

I opened it and found ashes inside.

As long as I bring this thing to Lu Yue and the others, I thought. I took out a spare phone from my clothes and called Lu Yue, explaining the current situation. She said they would come right away.

Just as I was about to find an exit, I heard Wang Pu's voice. He discovered that I was missing and was looking for me.

I hurriedly rushed through another corridor. The sky darkened, and the entire temple emitted a strange atmosphere, filled with a sense of oppression.

I heard Wang Pu enter that small compartment. When he saw that the urn was missing, he let out a roar of anger.

I quickened my pace, but somehow Wang Pu always managed to guess my approximate location and walked towards me.

Why? I began to doubt in mymind. How did he always know where I was?

Finally, I reached the main hall of the temple. The Buddha statues seemed to come alive, their eyes gleaming with a faint red light.

Wang Pu's voice echoed in the hall, "You can't escape, she will be resurrected, and you will become nothing!"

I felt a surge of determination. I couldn't let him succeed.

I looked around and noticed a large gong in the corner of the hall. Without thinking, I ran towards it and struck the gong with all my strength.

The sound reverberated throughout the temple, shaking the Buddha statues, and causing Wang Pu to cover his ears in pain.

Seizing the opportunity, I ran towards the entrance of the temple. As I reached the door, I could see Lu Yue and the others rushing towards me.

Wang Pu, recovering from the sound, chased after me. But as he stepped out of the main hall, a blinding light suddenly enveloped him.

The light emanated from the Buddha statues, which had transformed into radiant figures, protecting me from Wang Pu's pursuit.

With the help of my friends, we managed to escape the temple, leaving Wang Pu behind.

As we retreated, the temple began to crumble, as if it was releasing the trapped souls within.

I looked back one last time, and in the midst of the crumbling temple, I saw the figure of the girl from my dream, smiling at me.

With a mix of relief and sadness, I whispered, "Rest in peace."

And then, we left the temple, leaving behind the dark secrets it held.
