It was my mother-in-law, and I was so shocked that I almost screamed. She covered my mouth and made a quiet gesture.

I nodded, and she let go of her hand.

We listened quietly for any movement from Wang Pu. After searching for a while, he left.

I breathed a sigh of relief, and my mother-in-law looked me up and down and asked, "Are you okay?"

I shook my head, and she looked relieved. "It's good that you're okay. Otherwise, we would be in big trouble."

Seeing my mother-in-law's secretive expression, I asked her what was going on.

She wiped away her tears and told me a story.

Ten years ago, Wang Pu had a girlfriend who was his childhood sweetheart. They had a great relationship, but just before they were about to get married, she died in a car accident while trying on wedding dresses.

Wang Pu couldn't accept it and searched everywhere for a way to bring his girlfriend back to life. He finally found a dark method that claimed to revive his girlfriend using soul-reviving sorcery, but it required finding a girl born on the same year, month, and day as his girlfriend to be the vessel.

So, Wang Pu came to me.

It was such a simple story, except I was the one who would be sacrificed.

Seeing my puzzled expression, my mother-in-law sighed and said, "At first, I didn't allow him to do this. I couldn't let him harm another girl for the sake of Jia Rong. But he insisted, and over time, I developed feelings too.

"You're a good girl, and after much thought, I can't let him sacrifice someone else. I want to end this farce."

My mother-in-law held my hand and said, "Xiao Sheng, let me take you away."

I hesitated and asked, "What will Wang Pu do to you when he finds out you let me go?"

My mother-in-law smiled and said, "Silly child, I'm his mother. What can he do to me?"

I nodded, and my mother-in-law took me out. We passed by one building after another, and it was clear that my mother-in-law was very familiar with the place.

Suddenly, I twisted my foot and cried out in pain.

"What's wrong?" my mother-in-law asked anxiously.

"I ran too fast and accidentally twisted my foot," I replied.

My mother-in-law looked worried. "What should we do now?"

Looking at my mother-in-law, I suddenly remembered something and became anxious. "Mother-in-law, I placed Jia Rong's urn next to the hiding place we were just at in the meditation room. I need to take it with me to be saved. I can't retrieve it right now, so I'll hide nearby, and you go get it for me."

My mother-in-law quickly agreed and told me to hide properly.

Watching her disappear, I concealed my anxiety.

My mother-in-law was lying to me.

She told the whole story from Wang Pu's mother's perspective, but her description of Jia Rong was extremely detailed, far surpassing her description of Wang Pu. And a person's eyes don't lie.

Her eyes were filled with sorrow and nostalgia for Jia Rong, like a mother who had lost her daughter.

It would be more accurate to say that she was Jia Rong's mother rather than Wang Pu's mother.

Moreover, when she first saw me, she scrutinized me and showed surprise when she realized I wasn't carrying the urn.

It seemed she had already communicated with Wang Pu and knew that I had taken the urn.

As she disappeared from sight, I immediately turned my head back to where I had taken the urn before. They probably wouldn't expect the urn to reappear in a place they had already checked.

After retrieving the urn, I found a nearby meditation room to hide in. As soon as I entered, I felt the sensation of being watched again.

I knew I couldn't escape this place on my own and needed outside help. So, I called Lu Yue and explained the current situation, telling her that Wang Pu could always locate me.

After thinking for a moment, Lu Yue told me, "It must be the smell of corpses on you that allows them to locate you. Apply a small amount of ashes to yourbody and clothes. The smell will mask your scent and make it harder for them to track you."

I thanked Lu Yue for her advice and quickly followed her instructions. I found some ashes in the meditation room and applied them discreetly. The smell was unpleasant, but I knew it was necessary for my survival.

With the ashes covering my body and clothes, I felt a bit more confident in my ability to hide from Wang Pu and his mother. I decided to stay hidden in the meditation room and wait for Lu Yue to arrive.

Time passed slowly, and I couldn't help but feel anxious. Every creaking sound or gust of wind made my heart race. I wondered if Wang Pu and his mother were searching for me, or if they had discovered my escape.

After what felt like an eternity, I heard a soft knock on the door of the meditation room. I cautiously approached the door and whispered, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Lu Yue," came the reply.

I quickly opened the door and saw Lu Yue standing outside, looking relieved to see me. "I'm so glad you're safe," she said.

I thanked her for coming to my rescue and asked her what our next move should be.

Lu Yue explained that she had contacted the police and informed them about the situation. They were on their way to the temple to apprehend Wang Pu and his mother. However, she warned me that we shouldn't wait for the police to arrive, as it might take them some time to navigate through the temple complex.

"We need to find a way to escape from here on our own," Lu Yue said. "I've been exploring the area while waiting for you, and I think I've found a possible exit."

She led me through a series of narrow corridors and hidden passageways, avoiding any areas where we might encounter Wang Pu or his mother. Finally, we arrived at a small door that led to the outside.

As we stepped outside, the cool night air hit my face, and I felt a sense of relief. Lu Yue pointed to a nearby road and said, "We should head towards that road and wait for the police there. It's our best chance of getting help."

We followed Lu Yue's suggestion and made our way to the road. It didn't take long before we saw the flashing lights of police cars approaching.

The police officers quickly apprehended Wang Pu and his mother, who were surprised and caught off guard. It turned out that Lu Yue had provided them with detailed information about the temple and its layout, enabling the police to navigate through the complex efficiently.

With Wang Pu and his mother in custody, the police ensured our safety and took our statements. They commended us for our bravery and quick thinking, and assured us that they would thoroughly investigate the temple and any potential illegal activities.

Relieved and grateful, I thanked Lu Yue for her unwavering support and assistance throughout the ordeal. She smiled and said, "Friends look out for each other. I'm just glad you're safe now."

As we parted ways, I couldn't help but reflect on the events that had transpired. I had narrowly escaped a dangerous situation, thanks to the unexpected help of Lu Yue and the timely intervention of the police.

Though the experience had been terrifying, it had also taught me the importance of trust, resourcefulness, and the value of true friendship in times of crisis.

From that day forward, I vowed to cherish the people in my life who had proven their loyalty and to never underestimate the power of human connection in overcoming adversity.
