I suddenly remembered the more than 20 phone calls Su Yanchi made earlier.

Were they comforting or blaming?

After a while, the screen of my phone lit up again.

I picked it up and looked at it. This time it was Su Yanchi.

I answered without saying anything.

Su Yanchi remained silent for a while before speaking, his tone devoid of any emotions.

"Don't worry, I will handle it." he said.

I softly replied with a "Mm."

Then there was silence again.

In this silence, I suddenly realized that it seemed like Su Yanchi and I had been in this state of having nothing to talk about for a long time.

Finally, Su Yanchi left a sentence, "You rest well," and hung up the phone.

I took off the phone from my ear, sat on the bed for a while, and then got up to wash and prepare to eat.

When I finished everything and sat at the dining table, I picked up my phone again.

I saw that Su Yanchi had posted a Weibo, but it seemed to have been quickly overwhelmed.

[Su Yanchi: I indeed have a girlfriend, and we have been together for a long time. The rumors online about her breaking up with me because of a wealthy man are all fabricated. She is a very good person. Ruyu and I are just good friends. I have said before in an interview that she is my most important partner and the best colleague. Apart from that, we have no further relationship. I hope everyone can approach this rationally.]

As I looked at this Weibo post, after a long, long time, I suddenly burst into laughter.

He didn't respond to the forced marriage, as if he tacitly agreed.

In his response, he didn't say a single word for me.

Even about me, without a name, there was only one sentence, while the majority of the response was about Chen Ruyu.

Furthermore, in his response and his relationship with Chen Ruyu, he was trying his best to help her clear up any negative impact this hot search might bring to her.

He said they were just good friends, informing the public that he hadn't betrayed his girlfriend, and Chen Ruyu hadn't done anything to meddle in their relationship.

As I laughed, tears streamed down my face.

I remembered what he said at the company yesterday, that he would marry me soon.


These three words were just like the word "forever," elusive without a specific definition or boundary.

Forever might not really be forever, and soon might not really be soon.

Now I began to doubt the truth of that statement.

Will Su Yanchi really marry me? Does he really want to marry me?

If he doesn't want to marry me.

If he has truly changed his heart and fallen for someone else.

Should I let go?

These questions started to torment me.

The online discussions didn't stop because of Su Yanchi's response.

My personal information was exposed.

My name, age, photos, alma mater, my job, and accounts on various social platforms were all exposed.

In addition to calling me "this woman," they started using my name.

[Xu Song is really cunning.]

[Xu Song is so vain and materialistic.]

[Xu Song is really petty, like a jealous woman.]

...and so on.

These kinds of comments inundated the comment sections and private messages of my social media accounts every day.

There were even comments like, [Su Yanchi and Chen Ruyu are so compatible. Can this scheming woman Xu Song hurry up and disappear?]

I could see hundreds and thousands of them every day.

On the platform's public square, everyone was saying that Su Yanchi and Chen Ruyu definitely liked each other, and it was because of me that they couldn't be together.

Finally, one day, on a night when I couldn't eat but was starving.

I sat in the bedroom, unable to count how many times I had seen those words, and I fiercely threw my phone against the wall.

After a loud bang, the phone fell to the groundand the screen cracked. I stared at the shattered device, feeling a mix of anger and relief. The constant bombardment of hurtful comments had taken its toll on me, and in that moment, breaking my phone felt like a small act of rebellion against the overwhelming negativity.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. It was clear that I couldn't continue subjecting myself to this toxic online environment. The comments and rumors had consumed my life, making it difficult to focus on anything else. I needed a break.

I decided to disconnect from social media for a while, at least until things settled down. With a sense of determination, I gathered the broken pieces of my phone and placed them on the bedside table. It was time to prioritize my well-being and emotional health.

Over the next few days, I immersed myself in activities that brought me joy and helped me regain a sense of control. I spent more time with my close friends and family, engaging in meaningful conversations and seeking their support. I focused on my work, pouring my energy into projects that challenged and fulfilled me.

During this period of self-reflection, I also contemplated the state of my relationship with Su Yanchi. The doubts and insecurities that had surfaced were difficult to ignore. I wondered if he truly loved me or if our relationship was merely a facade. The lack of direct communication between us only added to my confusion.

Eventually, I realized that I needed to have an open and honest conversation with Su Yanchi. I couldn't continue to second-guess his feelings or assume the worst without giving him a chance to explain. It was time to confront the uncertainties head-on.

A few days later, I contacted Su Yanchi and requested to meet in person. I expressed my need for clarity, emphasizing the importance of honest communication for the sake of both our emotional well-being.

We agreed to meet at a quiet café, away from prying eyes and the chaos of our personal lives. As I sat across from him, I noticed the weariness in his eyes and the tension in his posture. It was evident that the situation had taken a toll on him as well.

We began talking, each of us pouring out our emotions, fears, and frustrations. It was a raw and vulnerable conversation, but it was necessary for us to move forward.

During our heartfelt exchange, Su Yanchi admitted that he had been overwhelmed by the situation and the public scrutiny. He explained that his silence and seemingly distant behavior were a result of his inability to navigate through the chaos. He assured me that his feelings hadn't changed and that he still loved me.

I listened intently, taking in his words and observing his expressions. While doubts lingered, I realized that I needed to trust him and give our relationship a chance. Love wasn't always smooth sailing, and misunderstandings were bound to happen. What mattered was our commitment to working through the challenges together.

We made a pact to prioritize our relationship and rebuild the trust that had been shaken. This meant being more open with each other, discussing our concerns, and actively supporting one another. It wouldn't be easy, but we were willing to put in the effort.

In the following weeks, we took small steps to repair our relationship. We limited our exposure to the online world, focusing instead on nurturing our connection offline. We went on dates, shared laughter, and created new memories that reminded us of the love we had for each other.

Gradually, the online storm surrounding us began to die down. The hurtful comments and rumors still existed, but we had learned to shield ourselves from their impact. Our bond grew stronger as we faced the challenges together, emerging from the chaos with a newfound resilience.

Looking back, that tumultuous period served as a turning point in our relationship. It forced us to confront our doubts and insecurities, ultimately leading us to a deeper understanding of each other. While scars remained, they served as a reminder of our strength and the love we were willing to fight for.

Life would always throw unexpected hurdles our way, but together, we were determined to face them head-on. Our journey was far from over, but we had learned valuable lessons along the way.
