I did break up with Su Yanchi.

It was the third year after we graduated.

At that time, Su Yanchi, who could write songs, sing, and perform, had never been appreciated by directors in the industry and couldn't get any opportunities.

We relied on the money I earned from writing books and scripts to make a living.

The money wasn't much, and we were really tight on budget at that time.

What I thought at that time was, it's okay, Su Yanchi is so talented and good-looking, he will eventually be recognized. He just needs that one opportunity, and it will come. He will fulfill his dreams, it's just a matter of time, and I will always be there with him.

But as the days went by, Su Yanchi still didn't receive any recognition. Even though he had gone in front of those directors countless times, self-promoting himself, no director was willing to hire him.

He started becoming more and more extreme, more and more irritable, exploding over little things.

We started arguing day after day, and one day I felt extremely exhausted.

After another intense argument, I proposed a breakup.

At that time, Su Yanchi was stunned for a while and didn't answer me.

But I just went back to the room, started packing my things, and left that rented house under his gaze, dragging a suitcase.

I went to stay at my friend's place, planning to move out as soon as I found a house.

On the third day after I moved out, Su Yanchi found me and apologized, saying that he was wrong, he shouldn't have lost his temper.

I looked at him, feeling both familiar and unfamiliar.

At that time, I thought, time really is a blade, unknowingly it has shaped people, no longer the same as before.

I said to him, "I understand your pain, and I have thought that I can always be with you, but now our relationship has major problems. I'm really tired, I can't argue with you after a day of work, I'm really exhausted."

"So, breaking up might be good for both of us."

Later, indeed, there was a wealthy man pursuing me. His family was rich, and he was willing to buy me gifts, but I didn't accept anything.

I clearly told him that I had just ended a relationship and needed some time to recover. I didn't have any plans to start a new relationship yet.

He understood my rejection and left gracefully.

Su Yanchi didn't give up either. He would send me messages saying he was wrong, asking if we could reconcile, saying he would change.

He would also invite me out, to the places we had been to before, those places with beautiful memories.

I refused.

Those past beautiful memories should stay in the past.

But Su Yanchi was very stubborn. He persistently sent me messages, apologizing, asking me to go out with him, begging for reconciliation.

In the end, perhaps it was the almost ten years of youth that made it difficult for me to let go easily, or perhaps I still truly loved him.

Half a year after the breakup, I finally accepted his invitation and went back to the university with him.

And then, we got back together.
