【Welcome to Yuhu Community】
1. The nucleic acid testing time is fixed at a certain time and will not change.
2. If a person in red knocks on your door urging you, please call the security office at 44-444 to confirm.
3. If you pick up someone else's belongings in the community, you can keep them yourself, but do not inform anyone.
4. If your roommate or family member feels unwell, please do not harm them.
5. If you find your head falling off during the elevator ride, be sure to confirm the ownership of the head and reinstall your own head.
6. Nucleic acid testing has been canceled. If your identity information turns red, please seek out community service personnel who will assist you.
7. Please do not pass through Yuhu, please do not pass through Yuhu, please do not pass through Yuhu.
8. Elevator under maintenance, please do not use the stairs.
After entering the community, I received a text message.
【1. Stay alert, green cards represent humans, yellow cards are half-human half-ghost, red cards are ghosts.】
【2. Listen to the building supervisor, seek help from the supervisor when encountering issues.】
【3. Do not listen to the building supervisor.】
【4. Each household can only have one living person at most! Intruders will face punishment.】
【5. Those with yellow cards are all scammers!】
【6. Do red card holders never lie?】
【7. Do not eat randomly, the brightly lit convenience store with a green light is trustworthy. It is well known that green is a safe color.】
【8. You must return home before midnight.】
【9. The security guards in the community can ensure your safety.】
【10. Ghosts are good at disguises, don't be deceived.】
【11. If possible, be an obedient child, try not to go against your parents' wishes...】
【12. With a black card, you can go out. The security guards will check, do not let them see the black card, hand the black card to the old man at the gate.】
【13. If there is someone wearing red clothes at home, then never return home!】
【14. Your parents love you, even though their methods may be wrong at times.】
【15. Stop your parents from opening the door for Uncle Spades, insist for three minutes and Uncle Spades will automatically leave.】
I can only provide you with these fifteen rules, unfortunate one, good luck to you.
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