I excitedly picked up Gao Xiu by the waist and just walked out of the bathroom.

A face suddenly appeared, immediately cutting off my budding excitement.

A wax-yellow, emaciated dead face.

That was the aunt that Gao Xiu had specifically found at the nanny market a month ago, claiming she couldn’t do housework.

I took a step or two back, turned my head, avoiding the gaze from her eerie, white-rimmed eyes.

"Aunt Liu, go make a bowl of ginseng and red date chicken soup for Xiu Xiu. She’s pregnant now, so she needs to be careful with what she eats and drinks."

"Yes, sir."

I squeezed past her and headed to the bedroom, not wanting to spend another second in the same cramped space with her.

Back in the bedroom, as soon as the door was locked, I immediately brought up the matter to Gao Xiu again.

"Xiu Xiu, how about we let Aunt Liu go and get another nanny?"

Gao Xiu pulled away from my embrace, her puzzled and annoyed eyes scanning me.

"Again! Mo Wenqing! Why? Aunt Liu is meticulous and serious, and she charges less. I get along with her like a mother and daughter. You know I grew up without a mother’s care. Why are you doing this!"

Facing Gao Xiu's furious outburst, I couldn’t tell her the truth, especially since she was now pregnant. If anything were to happen…

Besides, I knew Gao Xiu would never believe those so-called baseless things from an atheist’s mouth.

I could only use the same old excuse that she had heard a thousand times.

"I just feel uncomfortable around her. Out of so many middle-aged nannies, why did you have to choose her?"

Gao Xiu sat up and stared into my eyes.

"Uncomfortable? Mo Wenqing, you just want to find a young nanny, don’t you?"

I read another layer of meaning in her gaze.

"No, of course not. My heart is only with you. Don’t you understand?"

Gao Xiu said, "I understand, but Mo Wenqing, you didn’t have this attitude towards Aunt Liu at first. You were very nice to her initially, saying she gave you a sense of familiarity. Why, after just half a month, did you start clamoring to replace her? I’ve asked you repeatedly, but you can’t give a proper reason!"

I irritably scratched my head. It felt like there was an invisible wall of air between Gao Xiu and me. She crossed her arms and stared into my eyes.

"Mo Wenqing, are you hiding something from me?"

A lump formed in my throat. The more I looked at Gao Xiu, the more guilty I felt, and even the joy of knowing about the new life inside her was completely washed away.

I muttered, "Forget it," and got out of bed to leave. As soon as I opened the door, I shivered uncontrollably.
