"Do you think someone like Xing Zhaoping would cheat?"

When I asked this question, Hao Mei's words seemed to be stuck in her throat. She looked at me in shock, her face pale, "How do you know?"

It seems this really happened.

"You know?"

She sighed and pulled out a photo from her phone to show me.

The man in the photo was indeed Xing Zhaoping, holding a woman in his arms, or to be precise, a girl, not very old, with a slightly pregnant belly, snuggling like a little woman in Xing Zhaoping's embrace.

It seems this is the person Yu Cong saw.

"Did Leng Fei send you this photo?"

I was very curious, wondering whether Leng Fei told her about this or if they found out through an investigation together.

"Four months ago, she came to ask me if there was any work I could introduce to her."

"I was very surprised at the time because I knew that with Xing Zhaoping's temperament, he wouldn't allow her to work. I even joked that the canary had figured it out and wondered if she thought the blue sea and blue sky suited her better."

"She was in a very bad mood that day and only said that men are unreliable."

"The next day, she sent me this photo."

"I couldn't stand it, so I looked into the woman's situation."

"I sent it to Leng Fei, but she never responded. Later, she sent a few more messages intermittently, which all sank like a stone in the sea, and I didn't bother with it anymore."

At this time, Jiang Xiaoyu quietly nudged me with his elbow. Hao Mei, being very sensitive, noticed his small gesture, "What's wrong? Not feeling well?"

"You misunderstood, Miss Hao. I was just noticing the unique flowers in your living room. Most people usually have lilies or roses, but you have this..."

Her words were interrupted, but Hao Mei was not annoyed. Instead, she patiently said, "This is a tuberose."

The two of them seemed like kindred spirits. Although Hao Mei was doing most of the talking, looking at Jiang Xiaoyu's appearance, no one would think he wasn't a good student.

He listened almost devoutly.

Finally, he said, "Miss Hao, although these tuberose flowers are beautiful, hearing what you said, their meaning doesn't seem very fulfilling. After all, to talk about love at the end of the road seems a bit extravagant."

She didn't say anything, just looked tenderly at the tuberose that was blooming beautifully out of season, with appreciation, fascination, and confusion.

After asking enough, I stood up and prepared to leave. Before leaving, I still wanted to ask her, "Can you tell me where this girl is?"

"She is a third-year student at Lincuan Music Academy, named Wang Yu."

"Can you send me this photo?"

"Of course."

"Thank you."

At the door, I paused on purpose, pretending to be inadvertent, "Oh, Miss Hao, have you studied pharmaceuticals?"

That's right, Jiang Xiaoyu nudging me earlier was to get me to notice the trophy on the shelf a few steps from the dining table in the living room, from a hands-on competition related to pharmaceuticals.

I remembered that Leng Fei studied broadcasting and hosting, and since the two were classmates, naturally, Hao Mei was also a student in this field.

She smiled very elegantly, without any irritation from being probed into her privacy, "Yes, it's a hobby. I took a few expert classes in university."

"Miss Hao is really impressive. Sorry for the disturbance today."

It's definitely not as simple as a hobby. This requires a solid foundation.

Outside the door, I asked Jiang Xiaoyu, "Do you suspect that the drugs Leng Fei found came from Hao Mei?"

"It's possible."

"But would she help someone she dislikes to harm her friend?"

"Lawyer Zhao, please maintain the professional suspicion you should have."

This kid, thinking he's got the upper hand and won't let it go.

Feeling prickly again, I turned my head to look at the empty corridor, with the trees rustling on both sides.

Jiang Xiaoyu was startled by my large movement, "What's wrong with you?"

"Since this morning, I've felt like someone was following me."

"Don't worry, I'm here." He patted his chest, "I'm very strong."

His almost childish words made me laugh, dispelling a lot of the oppressive feelings in my heart.
