Suddenly, a burst of sirens woke me up.

I opened my eyes and found myself on a noisy street at night.

I just wanted to move, but a sharp pain in my neck and an arm fiercely restraining me stopped me.

There were crowds of onlookers all around me. Was I being held hostage?

Terrified, I pinched the inside of my thigh with my hand. This must be a dream, it has to be a dream.

But the pain didn't wake me up. I anxiously looked at the crowd and saw a familiar face—Qin Jun, my husband Qin Jun.

I wanted to call out to him, but the pain in my neck prevented me from speaking. I could only look at him pleadingly. However, to my surprise, Qin Jun actually smiled at me. That eerie smile sent chills down my spine.

The screeching sound of brakes caused the crowd to erupt instantly.

"The police are here, the police are here."

At that moment, Qin Jun suddenly rushed out of the crowd, shouting in panic, "Let go of my wife! If you want to take someone hostage, take me! Please, let my wife go."

Was it just my illusion earlier?

Heavily armed police dispersed the crowd and surrounded us from all directions. An elderly policeman approached closer and spoke gently to the person holding me.

"No matter what has happened, trust the police. We can help you, but holding her hostage, we can't offer you any help. Let her go, and we'll talk. You can tell us about any difficulties you're facing."

"No, no one can help me, only she can help me. All of you, stay back."

Hearing this voice, it was like being struck by lightning!

That soft voice conjured the image of a burly figure

in my mind.

"Yang Xiao?"

I asked in surprise, only to find the voice behind me was even more excited. He moved the knife aside, turned me around forcefully, almost crying, "Teacher Song, you finally recognize me! Teacher Song, save me, you have to save me! Teacher Song!"

Before I could speak, the police swarmed in, quickly subduing Yang Xiao and taking me away. Yang Xiao kept shouting the same words: "Teacher Song, save me! Only you can save me, Teacher Song..." What on earth was happening?

My head was pounding. Clearly, when I went to sleep, it was noon. How did I wake up being held hostage by Yang Xiao, and it was night already? What had happened in between? What did I do? Why did I have no memory of it?

Qin Jun held me tightly, continuously comforting me.

The flashing police lights and the approaching medical staff made me dizzy, and everything went black as I fainted.
