"Captain Zhou, this is the whole truth. If there's anything I missed..."

"No, you've covered everything. Comparing it to the evidence we've collected from the scene, there are almost no discrepancies."

Captain Zhou interrupted me, holding my pen, scrutinizing the records meticulously.

I sat there in a daze, as if all my strength had been drained, utterly exhausted. I then asked Captain Zhou to take me back.

But he refused, and immediately changed the topic:

"What about you? What role did you play in this series of events?"

"Or, should I put it this way, the account Zhang Lu posted on the campus forum, and Li Mengyan's diary, were both discovered by you, right?"

I was stunned instantly, looking at him and shaking my head in confusion, "Why would you think that..."

Captain Zhou stared intently at me, his tone growing colder:

"To be honest, the reason I waited three days to record your statement is because we’ve already gathered sufficient clues. So, I'm not questioning you as a victim right now, but as a suspect."

"We extracted a partial blood fingerprint from the steel rod that killed the commentator, and it matches yours, indicating that you were not unconscious when he appeared."

"So, Xia Qianqian, don't try to lie to me."

In the oppressive interrogation room, my breathing became increasingly rapid due to Captain Zhou's relentless pressure. In a daze, I recalled the suffocating feeling when Li Ai strangled me.

After a long time, I resignedly looked up at the ceiling and exhaled deeply.

"Yes, I admit that I wasn't unconscious at the time. But I didn't kill him; in fact, he saved me from Li Ai."

"Because you had nothing to do with Li Mengyan's death, that's why he saved you?" Captain Zhou "considerately" offered an excuse for me.

I shook my head, recalling his earlier words, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Captain Zhou, since you've found sufficient clues, you must know that I was acquainted with the commentator, right?"

Captain Zhou nodded, showing no surprise on his face.

Seeing this, I knew there was no point in hiding anything anymore.

That game commentator, or rather, Li Mengyan's stepbrother, his name is Liu Pengfei. He’s a complete scoundrel and rogue.

Originally, I didn't know him. It was by chance that I met him while shopping with Li Mengyan.

When Li Mengyan saw him, she reacted like a mouse seeing a cat, grabbing me and running in a panic.

But we were still stopped by him.

A burly man who didn't do any proper work in his hometown. Rumor had it that he got a local girl pregnant, and not wanting to take responsibility, he ran away to our city, hiding from everyone.

Upon seeing Li Mengyan, he immediately demanded money.

Li Mengyan was terrified of him and gave him all the money she had on her.

But that small amount was not enough to satisfy him, so he set his sights on me.

Knowing that my family was well-off, he began to harass me incessantly.

"Didn't you think about calling the police?" Captain Zhou asked me in a deep voice.

I shook my head and told him it wasn’t necessary. Moreover, Liu Pengfei hadn’t caused me any real harm, so even if we reported it, he would just be detained for a few days and then released.

"He's just a cowardly scoundrel. Getting rid of him is actually quite easy; just find someone to give him a good beating." I said with a smile to Captain Zhou.

After that, Liu Pengfei indeed stayed quiet for a long time, until the incident with Li Mengyan...

"At the time, he and his mother came to our dormitory making a scene, demanding 100,000 yuan from each of us, or they would spread rumors everywhere, claiming we purposely drove Li Mengyan to suicide to secure our spots for graduate school."

"It’s ridiculous. I never wanted to go to graduate school. I was even preparing to study abroad. But my parents were part of the local elite, and they would never allow any stain on their daughter's reputation. So, they compromised with Liu's family."

"But Zhang Lu and the others refused to give any money, so Liu Pengfei didn't plan on letting me go. He seemed to know my and my parents' thoughts and kept pressuring me day and night to persuade others to pay up..."

I rubbed my temples; these memories were driving my head to the brink of explosion.

During that time, I was living in constant anxiety, staying in the dorm and refusing to go out.

It was also then that I found Li Mengyan's diary, thus learning the truth about her suicide.

At first, I intended to use it to blackmail them for money, but only Zhang Lu and Li Ai were scared; Ding Dang was completely unaffected.

At that desperate moment, Liu Pengfei was pestering me like a death warrant that wouldn't let go.

So, after a night of deep thought, I reached out to Liu Pengfei and struck a deal with him.

Hearing this, Captain Zhou slowly straightened his back, a hint of interest appearing in his eyes and brows.

"What kind of deal?"
