I slowly awoke and opened my eyes, only to meet Cheng Wen's head on the coffee table.

Her bloodstained face was staring at me.

I shivered uncontrollably, my whole body went limp; there was no escape.

Her eyes were wide open, and my heart skipped a beat, fear washed over me.

"My fridge couldn't fit her, so she was placed in your fridge," Zhou Yan's voice suddenly echoed from behind me.

Zhou Yan's sudden words made my scalp tingle and simultaneously pulled me out of my fear.

I clearly remembered that his household had just bought a new large freezer last week.

At that time, his wife was cursing and asking why they needed a freezer when they already had a fridge, and Zhou Yan had said, "To put you in it."

Remembering this, I felt chills all over my body.

My teeth chattered as I tentatively asked Zhou Yan if he could let me go, my voice trembling as if crying.

Seeing Zhou Yan's face suddenly turn dark, I lowered my head and stuttered, "I just want to get some fresh air."

There was a moment of silence, then Zhou Yan suddenly picked up my friend's head from the coffee table and threw it into the trash can beside it, pulling the drawstring tight.

The next moment, Zhou Yan handed me the trash bag.

Scared, I tried to back away, but the sofa blocked my path, causing me to lean back just enough not to touch it.

My fear seemed to amuse Zhou Yan, as a slight grin appeared on his face.

Like a prank, Zhou Yan pushed the trash bag towards me even more.

As I reached out to block it, my body uncontrollably toppled towards the side of the sofa.

Zhou Yan extended his other hand to grab my collar.

"Let's go, take out the trash!" There was an almost imperceptible hint of amusement in his voice as he said this.

When Zhou Yan lifted me by the collar to stand, my legs were still weak.

But the thought of being able to go outside, and possibly having a chance to seek help, invigorated me.

Suppressing my churning thoughts, I struggled to follow Zhou Yan.

Passing by the kitchen at the entrance, I clearly saw large bloodstains and bone fragments on the white marble countertop.

The bloodied axe stood upright on the chopping block, at the same angle it was when it was lodged into my friend's head.

I shivered and fought the urge to vomit.

The door unlocked, and I quickly followed Zhou Yan out of the house.

Stepping out the door, I had a brief moment of disorientation.

Entering the elevator, Zhou Yan thrust the trash bag into my hands before I could react.

Before I threw it away, Zhou Yan said, "You go throw it out; I'll wait by the elevator. You have one minute."

As he spoke, Zhou Yan glanced at his watch.

The watch was very expensive; I had once considered buying it for my ex-husband but was deterred by the price.

While I was distracted, Zhou Yan reminded me, "You have 50 seconds left."

I ran outside the elevator clutching my friend's head.

Turning the corner, I glimpsed Zhou Yan still standing at the elevator.

Running out the unit door, I breathed in the fresh air free of the stench of blood, feeling reborn.

Throwing the trash bag into the bin downstairs, I glanced back at the unit door, and Zhou Yan had not followed.

The community was very quiet; it must have been late at night, and there wasn't a single light on except for my house.

Crying for help was out of the question, so I quickly ran towards the main gate.

The gate opened, and I rushed out.

Hearing the gate close behind me, I let out a huge sigh of relief.

Looking at the road illuminated by street lamps, I smiled, feeling triumphant.

I turned back once more to ensure Zhou Yan wasn't following me.

Suddenly, an intense pain hit my nose.

I had run into a wall.

Tilting my head to prevent a nosebleed, I saw a breathing wall in front of me.

Seeing Zhou Yan standing there with a mix of malice and mockery, I stumbled back repeatedly.

I turned and ran in the opposite direction, screaming "Help!" in the silent night.

I hadn't even finished screaming "Help" when I felt a sharp pain in my neck.

Before I was consumed by darkness, Zhou Yan caught me steadily.

His whole body exuded a terrifying and nauseating stench of blood.
