"Granny Hua" faced the pile of skeletons in the center of the ritual array, knowing full well that this was the location of the "Ten Trials Array" array eye, and right at that spot stood a stone monument.

"With this ritual, I will forcibly extract your soul, kill all the scholars in this city, and then take over your youthful body. Then I will become young again, ha ha ha ha!"

"Granny Hua" uncorked the bottle and scattered the ashes inside. Suddenly, several small whirlwinds started to spin in the cremation room, and the lights dimmed abruptly.

"You damned old Japanese ghost, even if I die, I will never let you go. Fuzi, what are you doing? Why aren’t you helping?"

In that instant, Yela’s consciousness suddenly became hazy, and he felt the eerie sensation of being possessed by a ghost several times over.

Before his eyes, like a movie playing, scenes from the battle between the sect leader and the evil yin-yang master from all those years ago appeared, letting him see the complete sequence of events.

Countless anguished souls seemed to wail in his ears: "Give us back our lives... We died so unjustly... Take revenge for us quickly!"

"Granny Hua" held a charm in her hand and approached him step by step. Once the charm was affixed to his head, his doom would be certain!

At the critical moment, Fuzi's voice rang clearly in his ears: "Use your blood!"

Yela suddenly had an epiphany, recalling the reason the evil yin-yang master's ritual had failed all those years ago.

He ruthlessly bit the tip of his tongue, feeling a hot stream mixed with a metallic taste flood his mouth.

He quickly spat towards "Granny Hua's" face fiercely!

"Granny Hua" screamed miserably as she was sprayed, swearing in a slew of Japanese curses.

Suddenly, Yela found himself able to move. He jumped up and reached for his back, where sure enough, a paper talisman was clinging to him.

"Granny Hua" wiped her face and screamed furiously, chasing after him.

Yela circled around the pile of bones, grabbing bones and hurling them wildly at "her," all the while cursing the Japanese ghost.

He was especially determined, thinking to himself, "Today, I must stop your ritual at all costs, even if it means killing you and those heartless Japanese scum."

Even if I die today, I must protect my home and defend it!

As soon as he harbored the thought of self-sacrifice, an anomaly occurred.

The small whirlwinds in the cremation room suddenly intensified!

They swirled toward "Granny Hua," ultimately merging into a massive tornado.

"Granny Hua" looked terrified and stopped chasing Yela, instead, she tried to flee through the door.

However, with a loud "bang," the door of the cremation room was slammed shut by some force.

In an instant, Yela seemed to be seeing things. He saw that the giant tornado was actually formed by countless vengeful spirits.

The spirits tugged and tore, repeatedly crashing into "Granny Hua’s" body.

Each time a vengeful spirit crashed into her, she let out a bloodcurdling scream.

When all the spirits finally entered "her" body, her entire body began to swell up like a balloon!

"Granny Hua" looked at her hands in disbelief and then, like an overinflated balloon, exploded with a "bang."

Her head burst open, and chunks of flesh and blood splattered everywhere, forming a grotesque flower of blood and flesh on the spot.

A powerful force also knocked Yela flying, and he hit the wall heavily.

Before losing consciousness, Yela seemed to see Fuzi clenching his fists in crazed celebration, and groups of people dressed oddly, slowly passing through the walls, fading from sight.

After that, he fell into a deep, unconscious darkness.
