Under the influence of my dad, mom, and grandma, my younger brother and sister don't like me.

So, when I first suggested taking them out to play, they were actually not very willing.

But mom said, if they wanted to go out, they had to be accompanied by me for safety reasons. They had no choice but to compromise.

On the first day we went out to play, my brother hit my forehead with a smooth round stone.

I was lucky that the stone didn't have any sharp edges; otherwise, my forehead would have been more than just bruised, it would have definitely bled.

The next day, while I was sitting resting, my sister put a small bug in my clothes collar. I screamed in fright, and they both stood there laughing uncontrollably.

I heard my brother say, "I told you she would be startled, she's such a scaredy-cat."

My sister said, "Who asked her to always follow us out? We don't like her anyway. We just want to teach her a lesson. But will she go tell mom about it?"

My brother sounded indifferent, "Mom doesn't like her either. Haven't you noticed that whenever we do something wrong, mom never scolds us, she scolds only her. She deserves it. Besides, grandma will also support us."

I never imagined such words would come from the mouths of two five-year-old children.

Shocked, I felt nothing but anger.

After shaking out the caterpillar, I glared fiercely at the two of them, but thinking of my goal, I forcibly suppressed my anger.

Not only did I not blame them, I even praised my sister.

I said, "Xuanxuan is really brave. Most girls are afraid of this kind of caterpillar, but you're not scared at all. Your courage is greater than other kids."

My brother and sister were surprised at how quickly I changed my attitude, and they were at a loss for what to do.

After all, in the past, whenever they broke something of mine or hit me, I would give them a cold look and glare at them like I did just now.

They seemed to realize that I had changed, so during the following period, they didn't intentionally tease me anymore.

Especially when they argued with other kids, after I supported them, their attitude towards me completely changed, even coming to help me when mom and dad scolded me.

One-third of my goal had been achieved.
