Xie Xi got married four years later.

The reason for the delay was because she acted like a child and regretted it after getting married.

She complained that nobody gets married so early, and she didn't want to be the first.

Qi Zhao doted on her and accommodated her every wish.

In addition, Xie Xi had just graduated, and she was still young, so they carried on their relationship as an engaged couple without getting married.

They dragged it on until Xie Xi was twenty-six and Qi Zhao was thirty.

Their wedding was grand.

It was like the grand finale of a love story.

They kissed on stage while I watched from below.

It was just like eight years ago when they got engaged.

The difference was that this time, Xie Xi truly became someone else's bride.

Later on, Xie Xi's daughter asked me, "Auntie, have you not met anyone you like all these years?"

I nodded and shook my head, saying, "I have someone I can't touch."

Her daughter propped up her head.

"That sounds so unfortunate."

I tapped the little girl's head and said, "No. It's a very fulfilling story."

Extra: Pei Xu

Xie Jiao saw me again on Xie Xi's wedding day.

She was the bridesmaid.

Xie Xi handed her the bridal bouquet.

She held the bouquet and remained silent for a long time.

While the affectionate newlyweds were toasting, she was left standing there alone.

I approached her and when she saw me, she smiled.

There wasn't much emotion on her face.

To her, I was just an old classmate she hadn't seen in a long time.

"Long time no see," she said to me.

I exchanged pleasantries, asking, "How have you been lately?"

She started talking to me.

The conversation didn't touch on personal matters.

It was about work.

How the company was doing, how the land in the south of the city was.

At the end, she asked if there was any possibility of collaboration between our companies.

It was as if she completely forgot that I had pursued her and was harshly rejected.

I teased, "Your mind is full of work. No wonder the Xie family's business has multiplied several times in your hands."

She looked in my direction, but her gaze passed through me and fell behind me.

I knew who she was looking at.

"You have to work hard, or else what will she do?" she murmured.

Qi Zhao married Xie Xi because of love.

Xie Jiao didn't believe in love.

She saw this marriage clearly.

The control belonged to Qi Zhao, and Xie Xi was always the chosen one.

She couldn't control people's hearts; she could only try to make the cost of changing hearts higher.

So she was working hard.

For Xie Xi's sake.

But she didn't need to worry so much.

They had a great relationship as childhood sweethearts, and the Qi family had a good relationship between spouses. There had been no scandals for several generations.

Qi Zhao's protection of Xie Xi was unquestionable, and he extended his love to anyone Xie Xi liked.

Except for Xie Jiao.

Qi Zhao didn't like Xie Jiao.

The reason was interesting.

I didn't believe it at first, until Qi Zhao asked me to pursue her, and I realized that her heart was truly filled with someone else.

I didn't comment on her thoughts, but I couldn't help but ask her, "Aren't you tired?"


"For her, aren't you tired?"

She smiled and said, "Life is always tiring."

I clenched my fist and said, "Then what about you? Can't you live for yourself once?"

She finally turned her head to look at me.

There was an inexplicable light in her black eyes.

She took a step back, her tonebecoming colder.

"Pei Xu, you don't understand. Some people are destined to live for others."

That day, I finally understood.

Xie Jiao had made her choice.

She would continue to live for Xie Xi, even if it meant sacrificing her own happiness.

And I couldn't do anything to change that.

So, I smiled and said, "I hope you find happiness in your own way."

Her smile was like a fleeting illusion.

"Thank you, Pei Xu. I wish you the same."

Our conversation ended there.

We returned to the banquet hall, where the celebration continued.

Xie Xi and Qi Zhao were surrounded by joy and blessings.

I watched Xie Jiao quietly from a distance.

She was like a shadow, always there but never truly seen.

And in that moment, I realized that sometimes, the most selfless love is the one that remains hidden in the shadows.

That day, I made a promise to myself.

I would find my own happiness, even if it meant letting go of the one I couldn't have.

And perhaps, in doing so, I would find a love as pure and selfless as Xie Jiao's.

But for now, I would silently support her from afar, as she continued to live for the happiness of others.
