On the day she graduated, I presented her with a bouquet of flowers.

She was very popular, receiving flowers from countless people, yet she was still surprised to receive mine, giving me a big hug.

Those sweet and swirling emotions surged.

She was like a little sun.


Qi Zhao proposed to her that day.

I and other classmates parted like the splitting of the Red Sea.

The prince belonging to the little princess slowly approached in a black suit.

He half-knelt, took out a ring, and proposed.

I don't remember how Qi Zhao's proposal unfolded.

I only remember Xie Xi's slightly complaining shyness and her bright smile.

That day, she came to my room, lay on the same bed with me, and passionately and boldly discussed her fiancé with me.

"Jiao Jiao, why did I agree to him today? Did I make it too simple and cheap for him?"

She held my arm in the darkness.

Her warmth slowly, slowly approached.

I patted her back.

"This is good."

This is good.

Xie Xi has found her place.

Qi Zhao loves her very much, and she loves Qi Zhao too.

Mutual feelings are so rare.

After talking about her fiancé, Xie Xi suddenly remembered Pei Xu, who used to pursue me, and asked if we still had any contact.

She said Pei Xu took over the family business and is still single.

According to others, he still remembers me constantly.

"No need, I want to focus on my studies now and not on romance."
