The power of the internet is terrifying.

Although in the video shared by Tian Tian and the article published in the local newspaper, there was no indication of who the dog owner was, nor were there any photos of Huang Yan.

However, with the joint efforts of netizens, everyone quickly figured out who Huang Yan was.

The situation continued to ferment.

Now, there is a large group of internet celebrities live-streaming at the entrance of our community every day.

As soon as they see Huang Yan, they put the camera on her and tell the audience that this woman is the dog owner involved in the dog biting incident. They ask her how cruel her heart is to be able to watch her dog bite Duoduo, such a cute girl?

Some broadcasters get quite emotional and start cursing at her along with the audience.

Despite Huang Yan's thick skin, she couldn't withstand this kind of scrutiny and could only slink back home.

They couldn't all go to her house to curse at her, right?

As it turned out, she had thought too simply.

Her home phone number and mobile number were quickly posted online.

From morning to night, the phone never stopped ringing.

It was all internet users from different places calling to curse at her.

She simply pulled out the phone line and set her mobile phone to only accept calls from designated numbers, finally enjoying a few days of peace.

She found time to run to the homeowners' group to plead her innocence and ask for everyone's support.

But at this point, who would still believe her?

After yelling in the group for a while, she slinked offline.

Before logging off, she posted a status: [Even if the whole world ignores me, I am not afraid. Because I still have them. My father, my mother, my brothers and sisters, my husband, my dear son.]

Seeing her status, my wife and I laughed for a long time.

I smiled and said, I'm afraid only these people in the world will care for her.
