I have a cousin named Tian Tian, who chose to become an internet celebrity after graduating from university.

She has over a hundred thousand fans on a certain platform.

She now lives in the same city.

After hearing about my ordeal, she promised to help.

Tian Tian posted several related videos on a certain platform, one after another.

Even though Doudou's injuries are already healed, many photos and videos were taken at that time.

They are enough to prove the truth of the matter.

In the video, Tian Tian detailed the entire process of the incident.

She even held my daughter Doudou, showing close-ups of her in several shots.

—How can there be any fault when such a cute girl was attacked by a vicious dog, and her father killed the dog?

—Beware of vicious dogs! Incident of a vicious dog attacking in a certain community in Chengdu.

The cuteness of Doudou and the beauty of Tian Tian quickly made these videos go viral.

In just over ten hours, the number of views had exceeded tens of millions!

The audience's emotions were stirred up.

Everyone felt sorry for Doudou.

People all over different video platforms and media platforms posted short videos and articles expressing their sympathy for Doudou and their strong condemnation of the dog owner's heinous behavior!

Our well-known local newspaper took advantage of the trend and published an article titled "Dog Bites, Who's to Blame? Behind the vicious dog, there must be an unreasonable owner!"

With vivid illustrations, its influence exploded.

The people in our community who originally believed Huang Yan's distortion of the truth now realize the true situation and see through Huang Yan's deception.

Many people in the community apologized to me in the group.

And many people directly blocked Huang Yan.

No one watches Huang Yan's live broadcasts in the group anymore.
