Sister is a normal human, so she grows slowly.

Despite Sister's ordinariness, Mom and Dad do not despise her; on the contrary, they take care of her and find joy in it.

They believe this is how a normal child should be.

Especially compared to me, Mom and Dad find Sister's ordinariness precious.

Dad's factory is thriving, the family is well-off, and with Mom and Dad's indulgence, Sister's temper and character are very poor. She caused trouble in kindergarten by scratching a classmate's face until it bled, resulting in compensation and a transfer to another school.

After starting junior high, she didn't study well, hung out with troublemakers, bullied underprivileged students, and blinded one of them in one eye.

This already violated the criminal law, and even if Mom and Dad sold the house and the factory, it wouldn't be enough to compensate.

Even though she was a minor, she was expelled from school and stayed at home.

Unexpectedly, this incident was widely reported, and someone doxxed our address, filling our doorstep with wreaths and spraying malicious curses.

Mom and Dad dared not leave the house, but even so, Sister remained arrogant and domineering.

Unable to bully others outside, she could only target me at home.

When I went downstairs to drink water, she pushed me forcefully from behind, but her actions were child's play to me. I quickly dodged, causing her to lose control due to inertia and fall down the stairs.

As Sister fell down the stairs, she immediately screamed, "Help, Mom, Dad, Sister wants to kill me..."

Mom and Dad rushed over, tenderly helping Sister up.

I stood on the stairs, looking at her: "Now that our family can't leave the house because of you, and things have come to this, you still show no remorse and want to push me down the stairs to my death?"

Sister snorted, "So what? I don't believe I can kill you!"

My mom also blamed me, "Yaoyao, you won't die from a fall, can't you just give in a little to your sister?"

After enduring such unfair treatment for over a decade, I had grown accustomed to it.

I went downstairs and stood in front of them: "I won't give in to her; she's just reaping what she sows."

After speaking, I went straight to the kitchen to pour water.

Sister was screaming in the background.

My parents squatted beside her, comforting her.

Watching this scene, I felt it might be time for me to leave.

Little did I know, before I could leave, my parents chose to turn against me.
