Xixi's face showed an expression of disbelief, and his fair wrist had been rubbed bloody by the iron chain.

"Qinxing, don't do anything stupid."

He looked at me, gently furrowing his brows, as if he had something to say.

I coldly smiled, took out a small knife from the drawer, and tested the blade on my fingertip.

"Jianxi, are you afraid of pain?"

The curtain was lifted, revealing a faint blue ripple.

In a daze, that blue turned into a dazzling crimson.

I left a deep, bone-visible wound on Jianxi's leg.

He sweated profusely in pain but never made a sound, his defiant eyes seemed to be declaring war on me.

Little did he know, I loved him even more for his stubborn and vivid appearance, which ignited an irresistible conquering desire within me.

I liked seeing his flushed eye sockets, fine sweat on the tip of his nose, and the irregular bruises on his fair skin.

Hearing the low, restrained groans in his throat.

The fresh blood on his leg soaked the sheets, gradually pooling at my feet.

"Jianxi, you have a strong body, your blood is deep red. Unlike my sister, whose blood is lighter than yours."

I sighed, lying next to him.

He gave me a resentful glance, suddenly exerted force, moved to my side, and fiercely bit my shoulder.

He was so fierce.

It seemed like he had bitten me until I bled.

But I remained still as if I didn't feel any pain.

After a while, he grew tired of biting, slowly released his grip, and lay back on the bed.

His face was pale, with an indifferent and resigned look.

Looking at him peacefully lying there, I suddenly felt a desire to confess.

I stared at the ceiling, and said to myself, "Have you ever been hungry?"

He ignored me.

I continued, "When we were young, if my sister and I did something wrong, my father would lock us up for days, not allowing anyone to give us food."

"As time went by, my sister and I developed a habit of eating fast and hiding food all the time."

Thinking of this, I felt a bit sad, knowing that no one would ever be as kind to me in the future.

Jianxi's breathing became weaker, and when I looked down, I saw blood still seeping from his wound.

If he died like this, it would be such a pity.

I had to dig out the medical kit, take out the tools to disinfect and stitch up his wound.

To prevent him from biting his tongue, I even stuffed a towel into his mouth.

During the stitching process, Jianxi tightly bit the towel, looked at the ceiling, and didn't make a sound, just a few intermittent groans escaping from his throat.

After disinfecting him, I washed my hands by the sink, and suddenly felt a pain in my shoulder.

I looked at the alcohol on the table, closed my eyes, and poured it onto the wound.

The sharp pain made my whole body tremble, but I felt a sense of pleasure in my heart.

I lay beside him, one hand around his waist, resting my head on his shoulder.

I looked at him, smiling mischievously, "I won't take off the towel, we'll see when you stop biting me."

I rubbed against his chest, gradually feeling sleepy, "Be good, go to sleep."
