True scripture? Demon scripture?

And whose voice is this?

After a while, I finally realized that this voice belongs to my second senior brother.

Why is my lazy and carefree second senior brother suddenly transmitting these messages to me through the air on our journey west?

Lost in thought, I passed several corridors and arrived at the scripture repository.

Following our master's instructions, as soon as Ananda and Kashyapa turned around, I handed over the Purple Gold Bowl to them.

The two venerables looked at me with appreciative eyes.

Then they passed the scriptures one by one to me and my eldest senior brother. After the scriptures were moved, I casually picked up one and started reading.

Suddenly, a hand pressed down on the scripture in my hand.

I looked up and it turned out to be my eldest senior brother. He said solemnly:

"Read it later, read it later."

From the moment my master explained things to me and my eldest senior brother's sudden appearance to now, preventing me from reading the scriptures, I increasingly felt that he was up to something.

I have always suspected that it was Sun Wukong who was killed in the battle between the true and false Monkey Kings, and the one following afterwards was Liu'er.

Because since then, my eldest senior brother has never caused trouble in front of our master, and he even treats our second senior brother politely.

Thinking this way, my eldest senior brother must be someone from the Buddha realm, and what Ananda and Kashyapa gave me is likely the "Demon Scripture".

While I was contemplating, my eldest senior brother suddenly whispered in my ear:

"Don't let the true form of the scriptures be revealed, otherwise we won't be able to leave this Ling Mountain."


I was shocked by my eldest senior brother's words, could it be that he already knew that the scriptures bestowed upon us by the Buddha were the "Demon Scripture"?

But why did he tell me all this? What message does he want to convey?

While I was puzzled, the voices of Ananda and Kashyapa came:

"The scriptures in your respective repositories have been taken, you may leave now."

My eldest senior brother took the opportunity to grab the scriptures and pulled me out.

As soon as we turned into the main hall, my third senior brother snatched the bundle in my hand in one swift motion.

"The scriptures are heavy, let me take care of them."

My third senior brother was always steady in his actions, but at this moment he seemed a bit impatient, and in the instant I let go, I clearly saw a hint of blood red in his eyes, like a beast seeing its prey.

At this moment, my eldest senior brother reached out and grabbed my third senior brother's hand, smiling as he said:

"Brother Sha, you must take good care of the scriptures."

"Rest assured, eldest senior brother, rest assured."

During their conversation, they stared straight into each other's eyes, and I couldn't understand the meaning behind it.

Then a few novices led us to our respective meditation rooms.

Leiyin Temple was quite spacious, each meditation room connected by corridors, and next to each meditation room was a side hall for chanting, where the sound of chanting could be heard.

Out of curiosity, I walked towards the source of the Sanskrit chanting.

But as the Sanskrit entered my ears, I gradually felt dizzy, and in a daze, I saw the main hall turning into illusory images.

Then the beams and pillars turned into bones, and the sea in front of the gate had long turned into blood.

Just then, a pair of big hands suddenly covered my ears from behind and dragged me to a nearby meditation room.

I was about to speak and ask who it was, but I heard the voice of my second senior brother in my mind:

"Don't make a sound."

Back in the meditation room, my second senior brother took out two white lotus petals from his pocket and rolled them into a ball, stuffing them into my ears.

Strangely enough, I immediately felt a sense of clarity in my ears and could no longer hear those "Sanskrit chants".

At this moment, my second senior brother said:

"You're so daring, how could you listento those chants? They are the Demon Scripture, meant to ensnare and corrupt the minds of those who hear them. You must be careful."

I was stunned. The scriptures were indeed the Demon Scripture, just as I suspected. But how did my second senior brother know about it?

Without waiting for me to ask, my second senior brother continued:

"I've known about the true nature of these scriptures for a long time. Our master is not who he appears to be. He is an imposter, a demon who has taken his form."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Our master, the respected and revered monk who had taught us everything, was actually a demon in disguise?

My second senior brother must have seen the disbelief on my face, as he nodded and said:

"I understand that this is hard to accept, but it is the truth. Our real master was killed by the demon long ago, and he has been using his form to deceive us and collect the Demon Scripture. We are the last hope to stop him."

I was overwhelmed by this revelation. It was hard to believe that everything we had known and believed in was a lie.

My second senior brother continued:

"We must find a way to destroy the Demon Scripture and expose the imposter. But we have to be careful. The demon is powerful and cunning. He will stop at nothing to protect his identity and the scriptures."

I nodded, finally understanding why my eldest senior brother had been acting strangely and why my second senior brother had been sending me messages through the air. They were all part of a plan to uncover the truth and defeat the demon.

My second senior brother looked at me with a determined expression and said:

"We have to stay strong and united. Together, we can overcome any obstacle. Our journey to the west is not just a pilgrimage, it is a mission to save the world from the clutches of the demon."

I felt a surge of determination and nodded in agreement. We had a long and difficult road ahead of us, but with the truth on our side and the bond between us, we would face whatever challenges came our way.

With renewed purpose, we prepared ourselves for the journey ahead, knowing that the fate of the world depended on our success.
