At that moment, the two Arhats smiled and said:

"Venerable monk, all the Buddhas are waiting in the main hall for you."

"Amitabha Buddha, thank you to the two Arhats for guiding me."

There was an indescribable excitement in the master's eyes. He quickly clasped his hands together and bowed once, then headed towards the main hall. Seeing this, we also hurriedly moved, intending to follow. However, the two Arhats directly blocked us and said:

"Only the Venerable monk can meet the Buddhas this time. We hope everyone can wait."

"Only the master can meet them? Then what about us? Did we go through all those hardships for nothing?"

"No, no! I, old pig, disagree!"

Hearing this, Bajie frowned and angrily spoke up.

I was briefly surprised, others might not know, but as the Prince of the Western Sea Dragon King and the younger brother of the Purple Wei Great Emperor, how could I forget about the little Buddha fruit? Could it be that they also discovered something strange about this place and were worried that the master would be mistreated?

But the master was once the golden cicada personally transmitted by the Buddha. Unless he was reincarnated and cultivated again, there would probably be only a few people in the Great Hall who could sit on an equal footing with the master. Why worry?

Just as the situation was deadlocked, the master seemed to sense the intentions of the Second Brother and gently patted his shoulder, smiling:

"Stop causing trouble. The merits of all of you will be explained to the Buddhas one by one. I'll be right back."

"Venerable monk, please go."

Seeing this, the two Arhats also hurriedly bowed, as if afraid that the Second Brother would cause trouble again.

However, at this moment, the eldest brother was as still as a rock, not even tilting his head. His eyes were fixed firmly on the inside of the Great Hall, as if he had discovered something.

Soon, the master followed the two Arhats into the Great Hall.

But once inside, three whole days passed, making me and the Second Brother quite restless outside the main hall.

If this weren't Ling Mountain, we would really suspect that the master had fallen into some kind of monster's lair.

"Second Brother, do you think there are any evil spirits in the world that can surpass the Buddha?"

Since we had nothing better to do, I approached the Second Brother and asked curiously.

Hearing my words, the Second Brother smiled and said:

"The Buddha is an ancient and powerful being. If we're talking about the time before the chaos and the universe's creation, there might have been, but now that the world has changed, how could there be such evil spirits?"

The time before the chaos and the universe's creation?

I felt a hint of confusion in my eyes. That era was too far away from me, it was the era of the ancient gods like Pangu and Nüwa that I had only heard about. Even the ancestor of my Dragon Clan would probably fall behind.

But after hearing what the Second Brother said, I felt somewhat relieved.

Indeed, the rules of the world had changed several times since that era. Even if there were evil spirits from that time, how could they contend with the Buddha?

Just as I let out a sigh of relief, a boundless golden light suddenly burst out from the Great Hall!

"Is the master about to become a Buddha? Why so soon?"

Sensing this aura, Sha Wujing suddenly stood up, his eyes filled with astonishment.


I furrowed my brow slightly, feeling that this aura was somewhat strange. It didn't seem like a new Buddha was being enthroned, but rather... the ten-stage Buddha fruit from the master's past?


However, just at that moment, the eldest brother, who had been staring fixedly at the Great Hall, seemed to have seen something unimaginable. His eyes widened, and he shouted in anger as he rushed in with his unmatched golden hoop staff!

What's going on?!

While I was still in shock, I saw an object fly out from the Great Hall and land directly in my hands!


I took a closer lookand realized that it was a small, golden fruit. It emanated a powerful and sacred aura, filling me with awe. This was indeed the ten-stage Buddha fruit, the same one that the master had obtained in his past life.

As I held the fruit, I felt a surge of energy flowing into my body. It was as if the fruit recognized me as the master's disciple and was imparting its blessings to me.

The Second Brother and Sha Wujing also looked surprised as they witnessed this scene. Sha Wujing exclaimed, "So this is the ten-stage Buddha fruit! It's an extraordinary treasure. No wonder the master placed so much importance on it."

I nodded in agreement, still in awe of the fruit's power. It was said that consuming the ten-stage Buddha fruit could accelerate one's spiritual cultivation and lead to enlightenment.

Just as we were marveling at the fruit, the golden light from the Great Hall gradually subsided, and the master emerged, wearing a serene and enlightened expression. His presence seemed even more majestic and divine than before.

"Master, what happened in there? And why did the ten-stage Buddha fruit come to me?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity.

The master smiled kindly and said, "My disciples, I have received the blessings of the Buddhas and achieved the state of enlightenment. As for the ten-stage Buddha fruit, it has recognized you as my true disciples and chosen to bestow its power upon you."

We were overjoyed to hear the master's words. This was an incredible honor and opportunity for us.

The master continued, "With the power of the ten-stage Buddha fruit, you will be able to cultivate rapidly and reach higher levels of spiritual attainment. However, remember that true enlightenment comes from within. The fruit can only assist you on your path, but the journey itself requires dedication, wisdom, and compassion."

We nodded solemnly, understanding the master's teachings. The ten-stage Buddha fruit was a precious gift, but we had to cultivate diligently and embody the teachings of compassion and wisdom to truly benefit from its power.

From that day forward, our lives changed. We embarked on a new phase of spiritual cultivation, guided by the master's wisdom and the blessings of the ten-stage Buddha fruit. Each of us underwent profound transformations, deepening our understanding of the Dharma and expanding our spiritual horizons.

The journey was not without challenges, but with the master's guidance and the power of the ten-stage Buddha fruit, we overcame every obstacle and continued to grow.

Years passed, and we became respected masters in our own right, spreading the teachings of the Buddha and helping others on their spiritual paths. The ten-stage Buddha fruit had fulfilled its purpose, and its power had merged with our own spiritual essence.

As we looked back on our journey, we realized that the true treasure was not the fruit itself, but the lessons we had learned, the transformations we had undergone, and the profound connection we had forged with the master.

And so, our lives became a testament to the power of the Dharma, the blessings of the Buddhas, and the transformative potential within each of us.

With gratitude in our hearts, we continued our journey, dedicated to the path of enlightenment and the liberation of all sentient beings.
