
I opened my eyes again and exclaimed, realizing that I had returned to the moment before I met the Great Immortal Jin Ding.

This is just like those novels of ordinary beings, everything is repeating!

"What kind of supernatural power is this?"

I swallowed my saliva, vaguely sensing that I was involved in some extraordinary battle!

Even the Senior Brother, who possesses such great supernatural abilities, was killed by Him with lightning speed, even though He took advantage of the element of surprise... It's unimaginable!

The bizarre transformation of the Great Immortal Jin Ding at the foot of Ling Mountain... the unimaginable time-reversing great supernatural power...

"Could this be the final trial of the journey to the West?"

As I pondered, a thought suddenly came to my mind.

On this journey, Master has experienced a total of eighty trials, one short of the auspicious number of ninety-nine, and I have kept track of it.

At this thought, my heart couldn't help but tremble!

If that's the case, it means that everything is under control, perhaps the Great Immortal Jin Ding is just playing a role?

Once I see the true Buddha, the dark clouds will surely disperse and the moon will shine!

I took a deep breath and made up my mind to enter Ling Mountain first and deal with other matters later. After all, all the Buddhas are on Ling Mountain, impervious to all evil. Once I explain the situation to the Buddha and suppress the sinister and strange transformation of this mere Great Immortal Jin Ding, what difficulty is there?

Just like the previous two times, as Master and I took only a few steps, we encountered Great Immortal Jin Ding head-on. But this time, I no longer showed any trace of abnormality. I just lowered my head and walked forward like a mount, listening to the conversation between Great Immortal Jin Ding and Master along the way.

Although we were only a short distance from Ling Mountain, I felt more mentally and physically exhausted than when we had traveled hundreds of miles in the past, fearing that I might reveal a flaw and provoke this Great Immortal Jin Ding to transform into a demon!

Fortunately, the journey was uneventful, and we quickly arrived at the foot of Ling Mountain. The two Arhats stood facing us from afar, which relieved me.

"Venerable Monk, this is as far as I will accompany you," said Great Immortal Jin Ding, stroking his long beard and smiling.

"Amitabha, thank you, Daoist, for guiding us," Master clasped his hands together, bowed, and his eyes were filled with excitement about stepping onto Ling Mountain.

In response, Great Immortal Jin Ding merely nodded lightly, seemingly indifferent, but there was a strange look in his eyes as he glanced at me and Senior Brother, revealing a hint of satisfaction.

It was a gaze... resembling a person in the mortal world selecting livestock.

I suppressed my discomfort and made up my mind to make a good show in front of the Buddha!

Just then, the two Arhats had also stepped forward!

"Marvelous, marvelous! Venerable Monk has experienced various trials and tribulations, and now he has finally achieved success. It is indeed a cause for celebration and joy," the two Arhats said in unison, with smiling faces, and eagerly pulled Master towards the top of Ling Mountain.

However, my expression froze.

Why did the words of these two guiding Arhats match exactly with those of the Great Immortal Jin Ding?!

What's going on?

Is it a coincidence?

Could it be... even these two guarding Arhats have been corrupted by that evil spirit?!

I suppressed my doubts and didn't even dare to look back at Great Immortal Jin Ding. I could only follow the two Arhats step by step.

But at this moment, someone suddenly tugged at my mane from behind.

"Little White Dragon... Have you ever been to Ling Mountain before?"

I turned around and found that it was Senior Brother secretly calling me, still using the method of telepathy, without revealing anything on his face.

I felt delighted because Senior Brother seemed to have also noticed something strange about this place?

That's right!

Senior Brother is the incarnation of the heavenly and earthly creations, and he has a pair of fiery golden eyes. As long as these demons reveal the slightest flaw, he will be able to see through it!

I nodded slightly to Senior Brother, indicating that I understood his question. Then, I used telepathy to reply, "Senior Brother, something is not right here. Great Immortal Jin Ding... I suspect he may have corrupted the two Arhats as well. We need to be cautious."

Senior Brother's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness, but he maintained his calm demeanor. "I had the same suspicion. We must observe their actions closely and not let our guard down. Our true journey to the West might just begin here."

I nodded in agreement, relieved that Senior Brother shared the same concerns.

As we continued our ascent, I noticed something peculiar. The surroundings seemed to be repeating, just like before. It was as if time was looping, and we were trapped in an endless cycle.

This further deepened my suspicions. It was highly unlikely for such a strange phenomenon to occur naturally. There had to be some powerful force at play, manipulating our every move.

I focused my attention on the two Arhats, observing their behavior and words. They continued to guide Master with unwavering devotion, speaking words of praise and encouragement. But something about their mannerisms felt off.

Their smiles appeared forced, their eyes devoid of warmth. It was as if they were putting on an act, pretending to be benevolent guides while concealing their true intentions.

Senior Brother must have noticed it too, as his eyes narrowed slightly, gleaming with a discerning light. He was always perceptive, able to sense the smallest disturbances in the spiritual realm.

As we reached a particularly steep section of the mountain, one of the Arhats extended his hand towards Master, offering assistance. "Venerable Monk, please allow me to lend you a hand. The path ahead is treacherous. We wouldn't want anything to happen to you."

Master hesitated for a moment, then accepted the Arhat's help. As they continued climbing, the other Arhat turned towards me and Senior Brother, his expression unchanging.

"Little White Dragon, Senior Brother, you two seem tired. Let me carry you on my back. It will make the journey easier for you," he suggested with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

Senior Brother and I exchanged glances. We knew better than to fall into such a trap. Accepting their offer would undoubtedly put us at a disadvantage, making us vulnerable to their schemes.

"Thank you for your kindness, but we are capable of continuing on our own. We wouldn't want to trouble you," Senior Brother replied calmly, his voice firm and resolute.

The Arhat's smile wavered for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. "As you wish. But do not hesitate to ask if you need any assistance. We are here to guide you."

We nodded politely, maintaining our cautious stance. It was clear that the Arhats were growing impatient with our refusal.

As we progressed further, I couldn't shake off the feeling that we were being herded, manipulated like pawns in a grand scheme. The repetition of events, the strange behavior of the Arhats, and the lingering presence of Great Immortal Jin Ding—all signs pointed to a sinister plot unfolding.

But what was the purpose of this deception? And who was orchestrating it?

My mind raced with questions as we reached the summit of Ling Mountain. The grand Buddha statue stood before us, emanating a serene and powerful aura. It was a sight to behold, a symbol of enlightenment and salvation.

As Master approached the statue, the Arhats moved to stand on either side, their gazes fixed on him. I glanced at Senior Brother, and his eyes met mine, conveying a silent message.

We had to stay vigilant and uncover the truth behind this facade. Our journey to the West was far from over, and the real trials might just be beginning.
