When I opened my eyes, I saw Xu Ziyin.

She didn't leave me behind and escape alone. Instead, she carried me back to Shu.

She was anxiously pacing in front of the Yin Dynasty ruins, but couldn't find a way in.

When I woke up, she asked me:

"Why didn't anyone accompany you back? Where are your family members?"

I smiled bitterly and shook my head:

"I'm an orphan. I only had a master, but he died before I left."

Xu Ziyin froze in place, then didn't say anything. She just handed me a steamed bun.

After receiving the steamed bun, I opened the Yin Dynasty ruins and took her inside.

Actually, outsiders are not allowed to enter here except for the Yin Dynasty, but I thought, since the Yin Dynasty is already gone, we might as well enter.

No one knows how long the mechanisms will last after I die, but there will definitely be successors.

Xu Ziyin was amazed by everything in the Yin Dynasty ruins. She pointed at the murals and asked me what they depicted.

I told her that most of the scenes in the paintings were about sacrifices.

The Yin Dynasty didn't believe in gods, but worshipped their ancestors. The defeated barbarians became offerings to the ancestors.

The generals would escort hundreds of barbarians to the execution ground, strip them naked, and make them kneel in front of the sacrificial altar.

The high priest would chant an ancient sacrificial hymn in front of the civil and military officials, praying for the ancestors' blessings.

After the sacrificial hymn was completed, the high priest would take out a scepter and strike the head of the barbarian leader three times, symbolizing the ancestors' recognition of their accomplishments.

Then, the generals would tie the satisfied offerings to the bronze trees.

The high priest would use a knife to open the barbarian leader's abdomen and remove their internal organs.

The generals would do the same, and when all the barbarians had been disemboweled, it would become a grand celebration.

They would smear the organs on their faces and use their fingers to paint different totems with blood.

The deceased barbarians would contribute their power to the generals who killed them.

Finally, the bronze divine tree would be set on fire, turning the bodies into charred remains, and the sacrifice would be complete.

People in later generations say this extreme punishment, created by Yin Shou trusting Daji's words, was called "paolao."

They don't understand the history of the Yin Dynasty and don't know that this tradition has been passed down since ancient times.

Barbarian invasions must be ended with barbarian blood.

Those who violate the territory of our imperial land shall all perish.

We walked from the beginning of the murals to the end, and stopped in front of the last mural.

The people in the mural were no longer barbarians but a group of monsters.

Some of them looked like disciples under the seat of the Bodhisattva, while others were indescribable creatures.

They had various poses: tentacles, sharp teeth, claws, compound eyes, and scales.

No one would think they were creatures from the imperial land.

Instead, they brought many disasters to the imperial land.

The mural depicted floods, landslides, and mountains collapsing, all caused by these monsters.

However, there was still a sacrificial scene in the mural, where numerous monsters were bound to the bronze divine tree by soldiers.

The raging flames burned all the indescribable horrors to ashes.

The densely packed Yin Dynasty army seemed like the most powerful arbiter between heaven and earth, even scaring the heavenly immortals who watched from the sky.

The last image of the mural was a giant scroll with two words written on it—Seal Gods!

This is the origin of the sealing of gods and the final chapter of the imperial story.

Xu Ziyin was deeply shocked by this grand history and couldn't calm down for a long time.

I ate the meat bun she handed me before slowly speaking:

"Do you know now? I am not some demonic cultivator."

"The sealing of gods was a plot by foreign demons."

"The Yin Dynasty ruins are the last line of defense against the foreigndemons' invasion."

"And I am the last inheritor of the Yin Dynasty's power."

Xu Ziyin's eyes widened in disbelief, but she quickly regained her composure and asked:

"If you are the last inheritor, why are you alone? Where are the other descendants of the Yin Dynasty?"

I sighed and replied:

"The Yin Dynasty was destroyed by the foreign demons. They infiltrated our ranks and corrupted our officials."

"They orchestrated a coup and slaughtered the royal family, including my parents and siblings."

"I was fortunate enough to escape with the help of my master, but he sacrificed himself to ensure my survival."

Xu Ziyin's expression turned solemn as she realized the weight of the situation.

"So, you carry the burden of reviving the Yin Dynasty?" she asked.

I nodded and said, "Yes, but I cannot do it alone. I need loyal allies who can help me reclaim our lost power and defend our land from the foreign demons."

Xu Ziyin looked determined as she spoke, "Count me in. I will stand by your side and fight for the restoration of the Yin Dynasty."

I smiled gratefully at her and said, "Thank you, Xu Ziyin. With your strength and determination, I believe we can overcome any obstacle."

From that day forward, Xu Ziyin became my closest companion and ally.

We embarked on a journey to gather allies, uncover the truth behind the foreign demons' infiltration, and reclaim the power of the Yin Dynasty.

It was a daunting task, but with Xu Ziyin's unwavering support and the ancient legacy I carried, I had hope that one day, the Yin Dynasty would rise again and bring peace and prosperity to our land.
