In the outer realm of the Ninth Heaven...

Twelve Golden Immortals, resembling gourds, hung under an old locust tree.

They were pierced all over with branches, blood dripping down and falling to the ground.

The treasures not yet entrusted to the care of the Tathagata were scattered nearby, including the Fan Tian Seal and the Qiankun Social Map. The Fan Tian Seal was covered in moss, and the Qiankun Social Map was half burnt.

The Three Sages were tied under an old locust tree, emaciated, and beside them sat a white-bearded Taoist, with a withered face resembling a mummy; this Taoist was none other than the Ancestor Hongjun.

"Quick! Escape!" Ancestor Hongjun weakly shouted at me, "Quick! Quick!"

Just as he spoke, a branch suddenly extended from the old locust tree and attacked me.

Despite my experience in countless battles, when I saw that branch, I didn't know how to dodge it. The seemingly thin branch appeared incredibly thick in my eyes, as if it had already cut off all my retreat paths.

However, at the moment the branch touched me, it suddenly stopped, and then the old locust tree retracted the branch.

"What's going on here?"

"While it doesn't want to devour you yet, while your cultivation is still insufficient..." Ancestor Hongjun weakly shouted at me, "Quick, escape."

After speaking, a beam of light shot out from Ancestor Hongjun's body, directly into my third eye.

That beam of light contained the memories of Ancestor Hongjun.
