When viewed from the helicopter, we vaguely saw a row of military trucks entering City A.

"It's really strange... The higher-ups said that the survival cycle of zombies is at least one year, but in just three months, there are not many zombies left in City A. They've even piled up into heaps of corpses," the pilot controlled the helicopter while discussing with the co-pilot.

"I find it strange too. But besides City A, there are still plenty of zombies in other cities," the co-pilot looked down with binoculars, then turned to ask us sitting in the back seat, "Those piles of corpses are mostly piled up around your residential area. Don't you know what's going on?"

I glanced at Jia Yang, and we revealed everything except for the human experimentation agreement.

They showed the expected surprise on their faces.

"In that case, it would be much more convenient for us to clear City A and carry out the rescue. Where is that mutated zombie now?" the pilot asked.

I shook my head, "I don't know. We haven't seen it since last week."

"That's a shame! If we could capture it, it could replace the military for clearing out, and it would be much easier and safer," the co-pilot said while sitting in the co-pilot seat.

Hearing that, the pilot remained silent for a while and opened the military communication device inside the aircraft.

"This is Rescue Aircraft B1-47, this is Rescue Aircraft B1-47. According to the survivors' report, there is a three-time mutated zombie in the city. Please be cautious and ensure the safety of the survivors reaching the safe zone."

An immediate reply came from the other end, "Received. Mr. Lin has already reported to our side. Please take care and ensure the safe arrival of the survivors."


When we arrived safely at the safe zone, we had been flying for nearly two hours. Heart Yan and Niko welcomed us.

Heart Yan held Niko and complained to me, "Sister, the little cat has been very naughty lately. It refuses to eat cat food after finishing the canned food."

Niko struggled to jump into my arms.

I took Niko and looked around. The survival area was surrounded by walls, including the top floor. Only the military management could use the elevator to go outside. We had just come down from the open-air helipad on the top floor.

The survival area was filled with survivors' tents, with military dormitories in the middle.

It felt like a closed mini-city.

I heard that this is just Survival Zone C, and there are many other survival zones distributed in different cities. One survival zone can accommodate several thousand people, indicating that there are still many people struggling and striving to survive.

"You two are the newly arrived survivors from City A, right? I'm a volunteer in the safe zone. You can call me Xiaoling. Let me familiarize you with the environment," my thoughts were interrupted by a girl with ponytails, wearing a yellow volunteer vest.

We followed Xiaoling around the survival area, and she explained the rules of the safe zone and how to address general needs along the way.

"Sigh... This time, we only rescued less than a hundred thousand survivors from the zombie outbreak. The virus this time is really terrifying..." Xiaoling walked in front of us, full of regret in her tone.

"Then why didn't the military send rescue earlier? I heard that there were signs of the outbreak a long time ago," Jia Yang complained, expressing his dissatisfaction with the speed of the rescue openly.

Xiaoling seemed to feel the sting in his words. She turned her head with some resentment and looked at Jia Yang, "How can you say that? The military's rescue was already very prompt! It takes time to establish so many survival zones! Moreover, the military started the rescue operation just twenty days after the outbreak! It's just... it's just..." Xiaoling's voice choked up, and she couldn't complete her sentence.

I stopped Jia Yang, who was also getting angry, "Just what? Did something happen?"

Tears fell one by one from Xiaoling's eyes as she choked out an explanation, "When the military sent the rescue, they were surrounded by zombies. Because the number was too large, they couldn't break through the encirclement. Even with protective measures, the soldiers couldn't withstand the siege of a group of zombies. One by one, they got infected and assimilated by the zombies. Almost three entire squads were wiped out. Sothey had to change their strategy and focus on establishing safe zones instead of direct rescue."

Jia Yang and I were stunned. We had no idea about the sacrifices made by the military during the rescue operation.

Xiaoling wiped away her tears and continued, "So, please don't blame the military. They are doing their best to save as many survivors as possible. We should be grateful for their efforts."

We nodded silently, realizing the immense challenges and risks faced by the military during the rescue operation.

As we walked through the survival area, we saw people of all ages and backgrounds. Some were injured, some were mourning their lost loved ones, and some were simply trying to find a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos.

Life in the safe zone was not easy, but it provided a glimmer of hope and security in the midst of the zombie-infested world.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Jia Yang and I adapted to the life in the safe zone. We participated in various activities, helped with the community's needs, and formed new friendships.

The safe zone had a well-organized system for resource distribution, medical care, and security. The military personnel and volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure the well-being of the survivors.

Although the threat of zombies still loomed outside the walls, we felt a sense of unity and solidarity within the safe zone. People supported and relied on each other, forming a tight-knit community.

During our time in the safe zone, we learned new skills, honed our survival abilities, and contributed to the collective effort of rebuilding society.

While the world outside the safe zone remained dangerous and uncertain, we found solace and strength within the walls. And as long as we had each other, we believed that we could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Our story continues in this new chapter of survival, hope, and rebuilding in the midst of a zombie-infested world.
