October 6th, 2:45 PM.

I returned to the bunker with Gu Xiao.

Chen escorted us back and helped me kill several zombies in the villa.

I handed over all the data to Chen, hoping that someone could research and develop an antidote.

He told me that the serum and computer were already handed over to the internal researchers yesterday, which indeed helped them, but the specifics would have to wait.

Finally, Chen gave me a satellite phone and said I could contact him if I had any questions.

After we returned, I locked Gu Xiao in the storage room.

Or rather, he voluntarily went in.

From initially being unable to face him, I ended up clinging to him all day.

I fantasized about whether, like in novels, intelligent zombies would suddenly turn back into humans one day.

But fantasies are just that, fantasies.

The first month after Gu Xiao and I returned.

He was still a zombie, with low intelligence, just sitting in the corner of the storage room.

I tried to get him to come out, but he resisted.

The second month after Gu Xiao and I returned.

He was still a zombie, with low intelligence, emitting a foul odor.

I tried to clean his body, but once someone becomes a zombie, the body decays from the inside out, and the smell doesn't go away.

The third month after Gu Xiao and I returned.

He was still a zombie, with low intelligence, emaciated and withered.

His once handsome appearance faded with time.

The proud, spirited young man from before was gone, leaving only a skeletal figure with skin.

Every time I entered, Gu Xiao would try hard to lift his head and look in my direction.

I'm not sure if his cloudy eyes can still see me clearly, but I know he should still remember me.

The second year after Gu Xiao and I returned to the bunker.

The satellite phone Chen gave me rang for the third time.

The first time was when their team cleared out zombies.

Chen happened to be near the bunker and called to ask if I needed any supplies.

At that time, I looked at the abundant food reserves in the bunker and declined his offer.

The second time was when researchers decrypted the encrypted files on the computer.

Chen felt that since it was our computer, he roughly shared the information with me.

Initially, the zombie virus originated from a small island in Sakura Country.

The company there intended to experiment with the virus but accidentally leaked it.

The leaked virus fused with cells from certain animals, mutating into the zombie virus.

This type of virus began to spread wildly on the island, and to block the news, Sakura Country blew up the entire island, killing all the researchers and residents on the island.

But the virus did not disappear.

The personnel at the company headquarters did not learn their lesson from this incident; instead, they went further.

Conducting secret experiments in China, Beautiful Country, and other countries.

Gu Xiao's parents were researchers at the A City experiment in China.

The encrypted files contained all the data related to human experiments in A City.

They disguised the experiments as cancer treatments and quietly conducted human virus experiments.

Gu Xiao's parents were initially unaware, but as the research progressed and they gained more authority, they gradually understood.

When the company discovered they were contacting outsiders, they killed them.

The truck that suddenly appeared outside the villa before should have been the company coming to inspect the villa after learning about the virus outbreak.

They feared that Gu Xiao's parents were keeping data on the virus, and if anyone discovered that data, Sakura Country's actions would be condemned worldwide.

After Chen finished speaking, I sat in the storage room and told Gu Xiao.

When I mentioned that his parents were initially unaware, he clearly reacted.

I knew this was his knot, and now it was finally untied.

The third time, which is now.

Chen told me that the antibody for the zombie virus has finally been successfully researched.

However, this is not a cure.

Researchers experimented on zombies, and after injecting the antibody vaccine, there is a 15% chance that intelligent zombies will slowly recover and become human again.

Upon hearing this, my legs went weak, and I knelt down.

Even if it's only a 15% chance, it's better than having no hope at all.
