"If you insist on not bringing him along, then I cannot give you the potion mentioned in the previous broadcast. I can let him get on the car, I'll tie his hands with clothes and cover his mouth. He won't bite anyone, I beg you."

I went down to the side of the car, holding the backpack tightly to my chest, and holding Gu Xiao's hand.

I could feel Gu Xiao's body temperature dropping rapidly. His once warm hands became stiff, and I could even feel the bulging veins on his hand.

"I beg you, really, I beg you."

I once swore that I would never play the saint in my next life.

But if this person is Gu Xiao, I'd rather keep him, even if he turns into a zombie.

"Captain Chen, the potion is necessary. Otherwise, let's take them away first. I'll sit in the back and watch this man. If something goes wrong, I'll shoot immediately."

Maybe it was because the larger troops behind were about to arrive, or maybe it was because my crying was too loud, and they were afraid of attracting other zombies.

Upon hearing his words, I quickly got on the car, but Gu Xiao behind me showed no intention of getting on.

His eyes were bloodshot, and the blood vessels on his face gradually turned dark.

"Ran Ran, I'll go with you, you'll be in danger."

"Gu Xiao, if you dare not get on the car, then I'll find a zombie to bite me."

The big brother behind Gu Xiao didn't care about that.

When he saw me getting into the car, he directly pushed Gu Xiao up with both hands.

After getting on, he untied his own coat and tied a tight knot around Gu Xiao's body.

The space inside the car was closed, and Gu Xiao kept convulsing.

I grabbed his bound hands, unable to stop sobbing, unable to say a word of comfort.

In my previous life, I endured this kind of pain.

Pain spread throughout my body, blood boiled, but the body temperature kept dropping.

Now, watching Gu Xiao experiencing this pain, it felt like I was going through it again.

"Ren Ran, promise me... if I... hurt you, remember to kill me."

Gu Xiao said this sentence as if he had exhausted all his strength.

I could see him desperately clenching his hands, even his nails digging into his palms, trying hard to stay conscious.

Zombies roared outside the car.

The car behind almost broke down, and the fast zombies caught up to the car, frightening the people inside who screamed.

Inside the car, the soldier who let us in aimed his weapon at the zombies and occasionally fired a few shots.

But all I could hear was Gu Xiao's heavy breathing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... if it wasn't for me..."

I didn't finish my sentence.

But I knew Gu Xiao understood what I meant.

What I wanted to say was that without my presence, this version of Gu Xiao would definitely live freely like he did in the previous life.

Maybe he wouldn't even pay attention to the messages on the radio.

He loved freedom, and the military would never be his best choice.

But this version of Gu Xiao left his most comfortable bunker because of me.

Because he knew I didn't like days without hope, and even if there was a little hope, I would fight for it.

So he came with me, but sacrificed his own life.

"Miss Ren, he really can't go in. He has turned into a zombie, and we spared his life without killing him. We did it for the sake of the potion."

I looked into the car.

Gu Xiao, who had lost all traces of humanity, sat in a daze in the back seat.

"You've seen it too, he hasn't hurt anyone."

Zombies are not creatures without intelligence, I've already explained this to Captain Chen in the car.

Gu Xiao further proved this point.

After turning into a zombie, he didn't bite anyone. He just sat quietly in the car, not making a sound.

"That's the rule, no one can violate it. If you really can't rest assured, you can go back to where you were, it willbe considered as breaking the contract. We can't provide you with the potion in that case."

I looked at the soldier in front of me, his expression firm and resolute.

I knew the military's rules and regulations, and I understood their concerns.

But at this moment, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anger.

Angry at the unfairness of the situation, angry at the choices we had to make, and angry at the cruel reality that surrounded us.

"Fine, I understand. I'll take him back."

I turned around and walked towards the car, my heart heavy with sorrow and frustration.

Gu Xiao's eyes were vacant, his face devoid of any emotion.

I opened the car door and sat down beside him, the tears streaming down my face.

"Gu Xiao, I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you."

He didn't respond, his gaze fixed on a distant point.

I held his cold hand tightly, trying to warm it with my own.

"I won't leave you alone. We'll find another way, I promise."

Deep down, I knew that finding a cure for Gu Xiao's condition was unlikely.

The world had fallen into chaos, and resources were scarce. The chances of finding a vaccine or antidote were slim.

But I couldn't give up. I couldn't abandon him.

As the car started moving, I looked back one last time, the soldier's stern face imprinted in my memory.

Perhaps he was right. Maybe it was foolish to cling on to hope in such desperate times.

But as long as there was a glimmer of hope, I would keep fighting.

For Gu Xiao, for myself, and for everyone who still believed in a better future.

As the car drove away, I held onto Gu Xiao's hand tightly, praying silently for a miracle in this unforgiving world.
