"Number 1089 and number 1090."

Chen Yun put his arm around my shoulder, and I awkwardly leaned against him as we walked to the entrance of the shelter.

"You will undergo security and medical checks over there. The situation is special now, and we need to confirm the absence of virus infection through blood tests." The staff checked our documents rapidly, speaking at a fast pace. "These are your ID and passes. First, go to the first room on the left. There will be a staff member to guide you further."

I looked at her nervously as she verified our marriage certificate.

Fortunately, our forgery wasn't discovered.

After completing the procedures, we sat in a room and waited for the results. Suddenly, my mom called.

"Miao Miao, where are you? How's the situation?"

"Uh, Mom, don't worry. I'm safe and about to enter this shelter. How is it back home?"

"It's fine. Luckily, our house is on the ground floor. Your dad has been growing vegetables in the courtyard, so it's convenient... Hold on a moment."

I furrowed my brow, listening to the commotion on the other end of the phone. "Mom, what's going on? What's that noise? Mom!"

There was some commotion there, and my heart clenched. I looked up at the screen in front of me.

"Currently, the scope of virus infection has further expanded, and multiple cases have emerged in the provincial capital of Province S."

Province S's capital city, isn't that my hometown?

I froze in shock. "Mom, are there zombies there? Dad? Can you hear me?"

I grabbed my phone, my voice trembling.

Chen Yun sat next to me, gently placing his hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay, it was just a problem with the door. Your dad and I have already taken care of it. Do you want to talk to your dad?"

"I..." I stammered, "Mom, Dad, please don't go outside, don't eat randomly, make sure to boil water before drinking, lock the doors and windows properly, and also—yes, I'll do it as soon as possible, I'll bring both of you to the shelter, don't worry, I have a way!"

My mom's voice also trembled, "We're fine, my child. You don't need to worry about us, and don't come back home. Just stay where it's safe."

"Who is number 1089?"

I hung up the phone and stood up. "It's me."

The staff member glanced at me while holding the medical test results. "There's a problem with your results. We detected substances similar to the zombie virus, but not exactly the same, so—"

"I have antibodies," I interrupted, rolling up my sleeve to reveal the wound on my arm. "A zombie bit me, look at this wound. The zombie that bit me immediately died, but I'm still alive and well! You can test it; as long as the zombie comes into contact with my blood, it will immediately become inactive."

Several staff members exchanged glances. "Miss, it's difficult for us to believe what you're saying."

"Please trust me. I can cooperate with the experiment." I pleaded, almost begging. "As long as we can develop a cure as soon as possible, please report it to your superiors. I will definitely cooperate in the research!"
