"Miao Miao, I got a spot."

"Huh?" I sat up and looked at him, "How did you manage to do that?"

"There's a special application channel here." Chen Yun handed me his phone. "I submitted an application, and it got approved."

"How did you apply—wait, let me see!"

Seeing a slightly guilty expression on Chen Yun's face, I quickly snatched his phone away. "Both spouses graduated from XX University with bachelor's and master's degrees, and have been engaged in... Wait, where did you steal my diploma? No, wait, spouses?!"

"Let me explain." Chen Yun smirked. "The marriage certificate is fake. I stole your diploma from the company's records. I speculated that for this refuge center to have sustainable development, they would believe that parents with high intelligence are more likely to have highly intelligent children. So, compared to..."

"Why does that sound so twisted?" I lowered my head and looked at the application materials he submitted. "Human worth should not be quantified by such standards—although, however, isn't your fake marriage certificate a bit too realistic? Won't you get caught for forgery if it's discovered?"

"Their information system isn't that advanced yet. They can't detect it." Chen Yun rummaged through things in the car. "And I really did study chemistry. That part is not a lie. The only thing is..."

He paused, resting his arm on the steering wheel and looked at me with a grin. "We might have to pretend to be a married couple."

I bit my lip and looked at him, then touched my own face.

While feeling like I was being taken advantage of, I also felt like I might gain something.

"Fine." I reluctantly nodded. "Anyway, at least we can have a hot meal inside. These past few days of eating bread have made me feel like I'm fermenting along with it."

"Yeah, and speaking of which, you have antibodies." Chen Yun finished packing and prepared to get out of the car. "I think we should consult a professional, but I'm worried that if others find out, you'll definitely be treated as a test subject. So, on a personal level... Well, you decide for yourself."

I nodded.

If the antibodies in my body can save more people, I can't refuse.

But Chen Yun's concerns were not unfounded. If I were treated as a test subject or some other kind of research object, I'm not a particularly strong person, and I dare not guarantee that I can bear such pain.

I closed my eyes and recalled the ten days of the zombie outbreak. During those ten days, various melodramatic scenes played out every day, whether witnessed with my own eyes or experienced personally.

Disasters magnify human malice infinitely, and in the face of fear and pressure, the power of kindness becomes particularly fragile.

Chen Yun finished negotiating with the staff and returned to the car.

"Done. Now, let's go to the refuge center."

"Chen Yun, I've made a decision—"

"Just hold on for a moment." He gently interrupted me. "I can probably guess what you want to say. Let's settle in first and make a calm decision, alright?"

I thought for a moment and nodded.

Chen Yun was always calm and rational, and his calmness carried a persuasive power that no one could refute.

Suddenly, I felt that some people were born like lighthouses.
