The classmate lamented in the group: "What? We still have to study at this time?"

Chen Wen sent a crying emoji: "I have never felt so close to the Youth Study!"

Roommate Jiajia said: "Just for this internship certificate, I'm definitely going for it!"

One after another, people in the group started speaking.

I glanced at the number of members next to the group name and sighed.

The group, which originally had a hundred people, now only has about twenty or thirty left.

Pei Ting is practically my indispensable partner; there's nothing he doesn't know!

I pondered for a moment before asking him with a hidden meaning, "What do you think people outside want to do about this situation?"

The phone can access the internet, but I don't know what technology it's using.

We can only receive signals but can't send any information out.

Several hours have passed, but there's still no news about us from the outside world.

Pei Ting looked at the blackboard, his gaze calm, his figure resolute. "It's hard to say. They can't blow up the entire school directly, nor can they rescue us."

I understood what he meant.

Right now, they don't want to alert anyone globally; they don't want to cause panic.

The most likely scenario is that they are secretly dealing with the situation on campus and blocking all information.

Pei Ting lowered his gaze, his eyes flickering with unknown thoughts.

I clenched my fists and lowered my voice. "When we find a chance to go back, we have to figure out the pattern of the zombie tide. Otherwise, if we keep cowering like this, when will I ever become a senior professor!"

After speaking, I started browsing the Youth Study materials.

I have known Pei Ting since elementary school, it has been more than ten years now.

But most of the time, we were at odds with each other, rarely coexisting in such a quiet space.

The sounds outside the door gradually faded away, and I saw the words "Learn new ideas and strive to be a new youth" displayed on my phone screen.

A strange calmness settled in my heart.

But then I suddenly heard Pei Ting's voice.

"Why do you hate me so much?"

He had kept this sentence in his heart for a long time, never finding an opportunity to say it.

Because every time he saw me, I would mock him sarcastically.

I pinched my fingers and reluctantly said, "Because... you're just so annoying. How can you always suppress me everywhere?"

Originally, I wasn't this calculating.

It became like this because of what he said back then.

"I won't fall in love early, let alone with someone dumber than me."

Every word pierced my heart.

So I wanted to surpass him.

So many years have passed, but I've always been second place.

A bag of crystal cores brought my thoughts back. I looked over at that hand with distinct knuckles.

I met Pei Ting's calm and gentle black eyes, and he pursed his lips, seemingly in deep conflict.

Finally, he said, "Will it be enough to compensate you with these...?"

I didn't respond. "I will fight for what I want myself. I don't need your charity... What? Are you planning to fall behind me in the future?"

I was about to scoff and refute him when I suddenly felt hungry, and my stomach couldn't help but growl.

All the tasks in the group have been completed.

The sunset shone through the window, giving the room a gentle orange glow.

I stood up, holding the Gatling gun and looked out the window.

The zombies had scattered, and the oppressive feeling from the zombie tide during the day was gone.

"Let's leave now while we can."

Chen Wen, Jiajia, and the others have sent me countless messages.

Pei Ting responded with a sigh and a faint voice behind me, almost dissipating in the wind.

Slightly regretful.

Before leaving, he finally asked about the origin of the Gatling gun in my hand.

"Oh, thisis a little something I picked up during the chaos. It seems the military left it behind when they evacuated. Lucky find, I suppose."

Pei Ting nodded, his expression unreadable. "I see. Well, let's go then."

We joined the rest of our group and made our way through the empty corridors, stepping over debris and remnants of the chaotic events that had unfolded. The once bustling campus was now desolate, with signs of the struggle against the zombies all around.

As we reached the main gate, we hesitated for a moment, unsure of what awaited us outside. But there was no turning back. We pushed open the gate and stepped out into a world that had drastically changed.

The city was in ruins. Buildings were destroyed, streets were littered with wreckage, and the air was heavy with an eerie silence. The remnants of the zombie tide could still be seen here and there, but they seemed to have dispersed, leaving behind a haunting aftermath.

Our group moved cautiously, staying close together as we navigated the devastated city. We encountered other survivors along the way, some in small groups, others wandering alone. Everyone wore expressions of exhaustion and fear.

We shared what little information we had, exchanging stories of survival and strategies for dealing with the zombies. It was a grim reality we had to face, but there was a glimmer of hope in our unity and determination.

Days turned into weeks, and we continued our journey, searching for a safe haven, a place where we could rebuild and start anew. Along the way, we faced numerous challenges and encountered more zombies, but we fought back with everything we had.

Pei Ting and I worked together, utilizing our individual strengths to overcome obstacles and protect our group. Our rivalry had turned into a partnership forged by the harsh circumstances we found ourselves in.

Gradually, we began to understand and appreciate each other's abilities. Pei Ting's intelligence and resourcefulness complemented my determination and physical strength. We became a formidable team, earning the respect and trust of our fellow survivors.

Months passed, and we finally found a relatively safe area, a community of survivors who had managed to establish a semblance of order and security. It was a small victory in the midst of chaos, but it gave us hope for the future.

Pei Ting and I continued to contribute to the community, using our knowledge and skills to help rebuild and improve the defenses against the zombies. We embraced our roles as leaders and mentors, guiding others and sharing the lessons we had learned.

As time went on, the scars of the past began to heal, and life started to regain some semblance of normalcy. We still faced occasional zombie attacks, but they were no longer the overwhelming threat they once were.

Pei Ting and I no longer saw each other as rivals but as allies, friends who had weathered the storm together. Our bond had grown stronger through the trials we had faced, and we found solace in each other's company.

Together, we looked towards the future with hope and determination, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
