001 had not appeared for half a month in a row, no matter how I called out to it, there was no response.

It was then that I realized I knew nothing about 001. If it disappeared without a trace, Ye Man would have sacrificed in vain.

I worried for half a month in a row, finally hearing the long-lost mechanical sound.

【Ding, host, please go to Wen Ye's house, you will complete the final task there.】

When I heard about the final task, my heart raced rapidly. Does that mean that the end of the world is about to end?

I dare not delay, following 001's instructions, I went to a secluded place and let 001 release the flying device.

Arriving at the destination, I found many cars here, and Wen Ye was waiting at the door.

But his expression was a bit solemn.

He approached me and said, "Today, 002 had my dad call influential and powerful people here, and 004 had Chen Jiang bring his uncle, a famous scientist.

“001 told me to come here to do the final task, as long as it is completed, it can help us end the doomsday."

Wen Ye smiled somewhat forcedly, only allowing me to enter first.

Upon entering, I saw some important figures that I had only seen on TV news channels before. I felt a bit restrained, greeted them and then stood aside, trying to reduce my presence.

【Host, now I will tell you why we chose you as a host, and by the way, also tell you why we found you at this time.】

After 001 finished speaking, a giant screen in the center of the living room suddenly appeared, attracting everyone's attention.

There were three people on the screen, all with very strange, even terrifying appearances.

The person in the middle had four eyes on his face, the one on the left had two mouths, and the one on the right had two noses. In that instant, it seemed like I was looking at monsters.

The person in the middle spoke, "Hello everyone, this is the year 2523. Due to the discharge of nuclear contaminated water, everything on Earth is now irradiated, and humans are not spared. With the emergence of zombies, the human population has plummeted, and this year, the total is less than 5 million, of which more than 3 million are deformed individuals.

"A hundred years after doomsday broke out, the Earth was no longer suitable for human habitation. Our predecessors could only find a way to move to other planets. Initially, there were 500 million people who arrived on this planet. Due to the large amount of nuclear radiation in the contaminated water, human genes mutated, and the proportion of deformed children reached 60%.

"The earliest group of humans who came here, the longest-lived one lasted 40 years, and after that, all other people died, with later generations detecting the presence of nuclear radiation on them.

"From that moment on, nuclear radiation acted like a curse, constantly affecting human genes, leading to the average lifespan of humans being less than 40 years, and the proportion of deformed children increasing dramatically. We have been studying for hundreds of years but still cannot change the damage that nuclear radiation does to genes.

"Ten years ago, we developed a system that can shuttle through time and space. It took nearly ten years to find a way to go to your time, originally planned to inform you before the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water, but due to technical reasons, it was not possible.

"On the first day of the apocalypse, we finally connected to the signal from your era, successfully binding the host.

"After hundreds of years of changes, the hazards brought by nuclear radiation have changed hundreds of times, and the impact on human genes has gradually increased, so we can only have the host collect the original nuclear-contaminated water, zombie blood, and samples of those mutant creatures to develop an antidote.

"After months of relentless effort from us, we have finally developed an antidote that can purify the nuclear-contaminated water in your time, as well as an antidote for the zombie virus. Even the hazards brought by nuclear radiation have a special antidote. Now we need to prove to you whether our antidote is effective. Please cooperate with us to save humanity."

Those important figures looked hesitant, "How do you want us to cooperate?"

As long as there was a glimmer of hope, they were willing to try.

The person looked at me with respect in his voice, "Host, hello, I am Xie An, the operator of the 001 system. My ancestor Xie Qiao is your sister, so I am considered your descendant. I originally wanted to bind the ancestor of Xie Qiao, but since she is only 10 years old this year and cannot collect samples, I could only choose to bind you.

I would like to ask you to cooperate with me to prove it to them. Is that okay?"

Didn't I do so much before for today? I nodded, "Okay, how do you want me to cooperate?"
