It has been a month since the last mission ended, and I haven't seen the other hosts again.

I asked 001 if our missions are the same. 001 said no, we only go together when executing dangerous missions to ensure that at least one host can complete it. The rest of the time, we are doing different tasks.

[Ding, host, a new mission has arrived. Please go to the nuclear wastewater source and collect the original nuclear wastewater sample. Upon completion, you will be rewarded with one billion.]

I just finished killing a few zombies outside, and 001 started announcing the mission.

The country that initially discharged nuclear wastewater into the sea ignored public opposition and insisted on dumping the nuclear wastewater into the ocean. After a few days, a typhoon formed, pouring all the nuclear wastewater back, and the radiation inside was the strongest. The people of that country suffered the consequences.

For the safety of humanity, that country had long been restricted from entry. Those people brought the disaster upon themselves and suffered from the hazards of radiation every day.

This mission is much more dangerous than the previous one. There, we not only have to guard against radiation several times stronger than in the open sea but also higher-level mutants and animals. Any careless move could result in infection.

After enduring so much torment, they have developed a deep hatred for outsiders. Once a human who hasn't turned into a zombie appears, what awaits me is an evolved person with terrifying strength, similar to a conscious advanced zombie.

But so what? As long as there is a one-in-a-million chance, even if it means facing great dangers, I will not hesitate.

I flew across the ocean in a spacecraft to the most severely polluted area globally. As soon as I entered, I felt difficulty in breathing, as if I were suffocating.

I dared to go in only after putting on the oxygen cylinder I purchased from the system store.

A familiar voice came from the sky. I looked up and saw someone I hadn't seen for a long time.

We didn't exchange pleasantries; we headed straight for our destination.

This country experienced a massive earthquake, which triggered a tsunami and caused an explosion at the nuclear power plant. Since then, a lot of nuclear wastewater has been generated. Later, seawater was used to cool the nuclear reactors, resulting in even more nuclear wastewater. In order to save money, they ignored opposition and dumped the nuclear wastewater into the sea, leading to this tragedy.

Now we are going to that nuclear power plant to collect samples.

The system provided us with an enhanced version of the potion that allows us to stay in the most heavily irradiated area for three hours.

As soon as we arrived, we saw several zombies. Their eyes were different from the ones I had seen before; they were green, and their movements were extremely fast. Even under the scorching sun, they showed no fear. When they saw us, they revealed sharp fangs and claws.

I fought one of them and found that his combat strength was extremely high, and his skin was very tough. The blade couldn't penetrate his flesh.

What made us even more desperate was that after these zombies made a "hehehe" sound, more zombies were attracted.

It was already difficult to deal with one, let alone so many. If we left now in the spacecraft, we would be safe.

But our mission was not yet completed, and we couldn't leave. "We'll hold off these zombies. You quickly collect the samples."

Now was not the time for excuses. I nodded quickly and put on specially-made gloves to find the nuclear wastewater. There had been no rain in the past few days, so the sewage on the ground had dried up.

Suddenly, my eyes fell on a small cup with half-filled water.

I was overjoyed and didn't notice what was in front of me. I was just about to pick up the cup when a foot kicked towards me.

I looked up and saw a strange person. He didn't have fangs like the zombies, nor did he have sharp claws.

But his skin was patchy, and pieces would fall off when he moved, quickly growing new ones.

When he saw me looking at his skin, the person laughed sinisterly.

With a malicious expression, he said, "How does it feel? If it weren't for you, how could I end up like this?"

The more I looked at him, the more familiar he seemed. Finally, I remembered. He was the leader I saw on TV, the one who insisted ondumping the nuclear wastewater into the ocean.

Before I could react, he rushed towards me, his speed astonishingly fast. His punches and kicks were accompanied by a strong stench, as if his body was decomposing.

I quickly dodged his attacks and retaliated. However, his body seemed to have an incredible regenerative ability. No matter how many times I hit him, he would quickly recover.

Meanwhile, 001 and the other hosts were engaged in a fierce battle with the advanced zombies. The situation was dire, with zombies multiplying rapidly.

As I fought against the leader, he taunted me, blaming me for the disaster that befell his country. He believed that if it weren't for outsiders like me, his people wouldn't have suffered.

The guilt weighed heavily on me, but I knew that dwelling on it wouldn't help the situation. I had to focus on defeating him and completing the mission.

I used every technique and skill I had learned, aiming for his weak points and attacking relentlessly. Slowly, I began to wear him down.

Meanwhile, 001 and the other hosts managed to thin out the advanced zombies, but more kept coming. The situation was becoming overwhelming.

Finally, I found an opportunity and struck the leader with a powerful blow. His body crumbled, and he fell to the ground, motionless.

Without wasting any time, I hurriedly collected the nuclear wastewater sample and stored it safely. We couldn't afford to stay any longer in this dangerous area.

As I made my way back to the spacecraft, the other hosts joined me, their bodies covered in scratches and bruises. They had fought valiantly and managed to hold off the advanced zombies, but the battle had taken its toll.

We boarded the spacecraft and quickly left the contaminated area, returning to the safety of our base.

Once back, we handed over the nuclear wastewater sample to the scientists, who would analyze it and find a way to mitigate the damage caused by the radiation.

Despite the physical and emotional exhaustion, we felt a sense of accomplishment. We had completed a dangerous mission that had the potential to save countless lives.

We were rewarded as promised, but the satisfaction of knowing we had made a difference was the greatest reward of all.

As the days passed, we continued to receive new missions, each one more challenging than the last. The fight against the mutated creatures and the remnants of humanity's mistakes was far from over, but we were determined to do whatever it took to ensure the survival of our species.

Together, we stood strong, united in our mission to reclaim our world from the horrors that had befallen it. And as long as there was hope, we would never give up.
