October 3rd, half a month after the outbreak of the zombie virus.

The city's power supply has run out, and the mobile phone signal has become intermittent.

People seemed to have accepted the fact of doomsday, no longer complaining, and striving to survive.

The online messages gradually decreased, and society began to regress.

Drip, drip, drip...

Just came up from the basement, covered in dust, and before I had a chance to clean up, my phone actually rang.

I took it out and looked at it. Oh, it's that cunning fox.

Half a month has passed, and I didn't die in the zombie wave. I must have some skills.

I pressed the answer button.

What appeared before my eyes was a dimly lit space. Through the faint light, I could see that the person in front of me was my ex-wife.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk... Look at you. Where did you run off to seek refuge? I thought you sold the house and lived a carefree life. Why haven't you starved to death? You think I can't live without you, you really think highly of yourself."

"What do you think about Wang Can? He's better than you. If I hadn't heard the rumors about your family's demolition, do you think I would have married you?"

"Look at the food behind me, all brought by Wang Can. And look at you, even if you're not eaten by zombies, you'll starve to death!"

I remained indifferent, "Did you call me just for this purpose?"

"It's not over yet! Do you know why I never wanted children? It's because I never loved you! I used your money to support other men, spending my days and nights with different men, experiencing that pleasure... Do you know how enjoyable it is?"

"You thought you won by kicking me and my mother out. Let me tell you, that's just a dream. Now that you know the truth, do you hate me so much that it's itching? Do you want to kill me? Hahaha..."

My ex-wife suddenly turned around and hugged a man tightly, giving him a passionate kiss on his face.

I recognized him. It was Wang Can.

"Now I have food, a place to live, and a man to sleep with. I'm living a carefree and happy life. Seeing me like this, are you even more displeased?"

"The more displeased you are, the happier I am."

Crazy laughter echoed in the room, the sound piercing and unpleasant.

"No matter how much food there is, three people will eventually finish it. Maybe one person can survive for a longer time." I smiled faintly at the two people on the video call.

The meaningful words made the two of them slightly stunned, and a hint of cunning flashed in Wang Can's eyes.

"Don't try to sow discord! I have never stopped loving Wang Can. I didn't change in the past, and I won't change in the future."

My ex-wife's expression showed obvious panic and she kept looking at Wang Can.

But a thought-provoking smile appeared on Wang Can's lips as he slowly stood up.

"What are you going to do? You... Ahh—help!"

The phone I held up suddenly dropped, the camera shook, and several curses and screams could be heard.

"Wang Can, you bastard, let go of my daughter!" It was the voice of my ex-mother-in-law.


A heavy slap and the sound of someone falling to the ground.

"I've supported you for half a month, always eating and drinking for free without doing any work. If it weren't for your daughter having some looks, I would have turned against you long ago. Now that I'm tired of playing with your daughter, keeping you is a waste of food."

"No! There are zombies outside, we'll die if we go out. I'll do anything from now on. I'll clean up this place as neat as a pin. Whatever you ask me to do, I'll do it. I'll also go out with you to find supplies." My ex-wife cried and pleaded.

"No need! I can live well by scrimping and saving."

The sound of bottles and cans collapsing continued, and cries and pleas kept coming from the phone.

The door was opened, and a beamof light shone into the room. I could hear the sound of footsteps approaching, and then a familiar voice called out, "Hey, are you there? It's me, your neighbor, John. I heard some commotion. Is everything okay?"

I quickly picked up the phone and greeted John. "Yes, I'm here. Sorry for the noise. There was just a little accident."

"No problem, just making sure everything's fine. By the way, I found a hidden stash of supplies in my basement. It seems the previous owner left them behind. I thought you might need some. Wanna come over and take a look?"

A sense of relief washed over me as I realized I had a trustworthy neighbor like John. "Thank you so much, John. I'll be right over. Just give me a minute."

As I ended the call, I glanced at the phone screen. The video call had been disconnected, and silence filled the room.

I took a deep breath, grateful that I didn't have to deal with the toxicity of my ex-wife and Wang Can any longer. It was a reminder that in times of crisis, true character is revealed, and it's essential to surround yourself with reliable and genuine people.

Leaving behind the memories of the disturbing call, I grabbed my backpack and headed towards the door. With renewed hope and a helpful neighbor by my side, I felt determined to face the challenges of the post-apocalyptic world and strive for survival.
