The Taoist priest kept talking incessantly. The general idea is that when my sister and I were born, my grandmother had actually intended to drown my sister.

After all, the family conditions were not good at that time, and it was already considered fortunate to be able to support one child. Given the choice, they would definitely choose a boy.

As luck would have it, the Taoist priest happened to pass by and noticed. Moreover, he discovered that my sister was a rare Yin female, and upon further inquiry, he learned that she and I were fraternal twins, a dragon and a phoenix. This made him even more delighted.

Yin females are naturally delicate and must be pampered. As long as they maintain their purity and carefree state until the age of eighteen, the first man to obtain their virginity will be blessed with good fortune.

Yin females are usually only children, so cases like mine and my sister's are even rarer. Rumor has it that after obtaining the virginity of a Yin female and extracting the heart's blood from the sibling born together with her, combining it with a secret recipe and consuming it, one can maintain eternal youth.

Raising a Yin female is extremely difficult and can only be done with careful care and nurturing from biological parents.

My father has a gambling addiction, and my mother lacks education and cannot work a decent job. The fact that we're not starving to death is already considered good. It's impossible to raise such a delicate Yin female.

However, Yin females are rare and sought after, and there are many wealthy people in the Taoist circle who are willing to pay a high price for them. So the Taoist priest had some wicked thoughts.

He told my parents that as long as they raised my sister properly until she turned eighteen, he would give them money every month, and once she reached that age, he would buy my sister at a high price.

Upon hearing about this good opportunity, my parents didn't hesitate and agreed without a second thought. They were ecstatic.

"Young man, I've said so much. Do you understand what I mean? Look, your parents are heartless. They only love money and don't care about you two at all. They favor your sister simply because someone is willing to pay to support her. In their eyes, you have become a worthless waste."

Seeing that I didn't show much emotion after listening to his words, the Taoist priest continued to provoke me, saying, "You shouldn't follow such selfish and self-interested parents. Listen to me, as long as you help me get rid of them today, I will take you away from here and help you make a lot of money!"

"Yaozu, don't listen to his nonsense. You know that our family is poor, and your father and I are doing this only to save money for your future marriage. Come and help us hold him down. If he doesn't bring out the money today, we won't let him leave!"

At this moment, my mother was afraid that I would believe the Taoist priest's words, so she started to coax me again.

I smiled and responded to my mother, "Don't worry, I definitely won't believe a stranger's words."

Seeing that his instigation didn't work, the Taoist priest started to scold my parents, saying, "You two are truly heartless! The money used to raise your daughter was given by people in the Taoist circle. I was just their errand boy. Now that your daughter is dead, not only did I not earn any money, but I also have to compensate for it. Conducting a ghost marriage with your daughter is barely enough to cover the losses! Why should I give you the money?"

After scolding my parents, he began to use force, attempting to overpower my parents single-handedly.

But my parents weren't pushovers. They had been enjoying good food and drinks with the money raised for my sister over the years, and they were well-fed and strong.

After a while, the three of them started fighting. With two against one, the Taoist priest naturally ended up on the losing side, and before long, he was battered and bruised, and his bag was torn off by my parents.

My mother opened the bag and found no money inside, so she casually threw the bag on the ground.

I took the opportunity to kick his bag into a corner and hid it.

They fought intermittently, with my parents insisting on getting the money and the Taoist priest refusing to give it up. I pretended to occasionally help my parents by lightly hitting the Taoist priest, but in reality, I was just playing along.

Eventually, the Taoist priest realized that he couldn't win against my parents and decided to change his strategy. He pleaded with my parents, saying, "Please, spare me. I promise I'll give you the money, but I need you to let me go first. I'll return with the money soon."

My parents hesitated for a moment but eventually agreed. The Taoist priest quickly escaped from our house, leaving us in a state of confusion.

After the incident, my parents and I sat down to talk things through. We realized that we had been manipulated by the Taoist priest, and his promises of money were nothing but empty words. It was a wake-up call for my parents, and they expressed deep regret for their actions.

We decided to turn this unfortunate event into a learning experience. My parents promised to change their ways, to prioritize family and love over material gain. We agreed to support each other and work together to create a better future.

From that day on, my parents worked hard to improve their financial situation. They found stable jobs and started saving money for both my sister and me. They also invested time and effort into our education, ensuring that we had a bright future ahead.

As for the Taoist priest, we never saw him again. I suspect he moved on to find another unsuspecting family to exploit.

Over time, my sister and I grew up, and our bond as siblings became stronger than ever. We supported each other through thick and thin, knowing that we could count on each other no matter what.

The incident with the Taoist priest served as a turning point in our lives. It taught us the importance of family, love, and trust. We learned that money cannot buy happiness and that true wealth lies in the relationships we nurture and cherish.

Though we faced a challenging start, my sister and I managed to overcome the odds and build a better future together with our parents. We never forgot the lessons we learned and carried them with us throughout our lives.

This is the story of how our family faced adversity, learned from our mistakes, and grew stronger as a result. It is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of love and unity.
