"What... What's going on? I clearly remember that the coffin wasn't sealed before the burial!"

In the face of my question, Li Jianjun didn't answer. Instead, he took out a tool for prying nails from his bag.

"Li Jianjun, what's going on? How did you have these tools? Did you already know that my sister's coffin was sealed?"

I stopped Li Jianjun, who was about to open the coffin. "If you don't explain it to me clearly, I won't let you open the coffin!"

"You're being overly suspicious. I just happened to bring the tools with me when I left because I subconsciously thought about opening the coffin. Forget about your sister's coffin not being sealed. You should thank me. If it weren't for me mistakenly bringing the tools, your whole family would be in big trouble."

Li Jianjun spoke in a relaxed tone, without a hint of nervousness.

I sighed helplessly. Well, since I'm already here, even if he does have a problem, I can only face it head-on.

I had imagined many possible scenarios that could occur after opening the coffin. But I never expected that there would be an additional male corpse inside the coffin!

The male corpse was dressed in formal attire, lying on top of my sister. And my sister's clothes were disheveled. Could it be that even as a corpse, she could still engage in such activities?

When Li Jianjun saw the male corpse lying on my sister, he became so angry that his face turned red and his neck thickened. Without a word, he picked up the male corpse and threw it to the ground.

His gaze toward my sister was indescribably gentle, and his actions of tidying her clothes were very gentle, as if my sister hadn't died but was only sleeping. He handled it delicately, afraid of waking her up.

"Let's go, let's go to my house first." Li Jianjun picked up my sister and left. When we arrived at his house, his black dog kept barking incessantly at us.

Li Jianjun glared at the dog, and it immediately shut up.

I thought this dog was strangely obedient, so I praised it a few words to ease the tense atmosphere.

However, Li Jianjun told me that his big black dog usually doesn't bark indiscriminately. Moreover, it was barking at my sister, which proved that her rising evil spirit was inevitable.

After hearing his explanation, I really wanted to smack myself twice. I shouldn't have praised it. Instead of being anxious and fearful, it would have been better to remain ignorant.

After Li Jianjun settled my sister's body, he went to the kitchen and took out a knife, approaching me.

"W-What are you doing?" As he held the knife, he stepped closer to me, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

Just as I turned my head to prepare to run, he grabbed my hand and slashed my palm with the knife.

"Don't panic. I just want a bit of your palm blood. You and your sister are fraternal twins, and only the two of you are the closest in this world. Only your blood can delay the rise of her evil spirit."

I rolled my eyes at him in speechless annoyance. "If you want my blood, couldn't you have told me in advance? I would have thought you were going to kill someone."

Li Jianjun ignored my sarcastic comment, took my blood, and went to find my sister.

"I've already set up the spell to suppress your sister, but it can probably only hold for one day. By tomorrow night, your sister will still rise. She holds strong obsessions in her heart, and unless your whole family is killed, she won't stop."

Li Jianjun looked at me with a complicated expression, then took out a black pill from his pocket. "This is a pill that hides a living person's aura. If your sister consumes it, she won't be able to detect you anymore. But there's only one pill, after all. Your sister's death has nothing to do with you, and I don't want to see her killing innocent people. You have nothing to do here anymore. You can go back first. If there's any sudden situation, I'll come find you."

Li Jianjun handed me the pill, watched me swallow it, and waved his hand, signaling me to leave.

Just as I was about to leave, he seemed to remember something and stopped me. "Ifyou encounter any strange or supernatural phenomena or if you feel that something is not right, don't hesitate to contact me immediately. I know more about these things than you do, and I can provide guidance or assistance if needed."

I nodded, feeling a mix of gratitude and confusion. "Thank you, Li Jianjun. I hope everything will be fine."

With that, I left Li Jianjun's house and returned home. The events of the day had left me mentally exhausted and filled with questions. As I lay in bed, I couldn't help but wonder about the mysteries surrounding my sister's death and the supernatural occurrences that seemed to be unfolding.

The next day, I woke up feeling a sense of unease. It was as if something was lingering in the air, an intangible presence that sent shivers down my spine. Remembering Li Jianjun's words, I decided to contact him and share my concerns.

I dialed his number and waited anxiously for him to pick up. After a few rings, he answered.

"Li Jianjun, it's me. I have a strange feeling today, like something is watching me or following me. I don't know if it's related to my sister or the events from yesterday."

There was a brief silence on the other end of the line before Li Jianjun spoke in a serious tone.

"Listen carefully. If you feel like you're being watched or followed, don't panic. It's possible that your sister's evil spirit has already risen and is seeking revenge. Stay calm and try to find a safe place, preferably with a strong spiritual aura, like a temple or a shrine. I'll come to you as soon as I can."

I followed Li Jianjun's advice and quickly made my way to a nearby temple. As I entered the temple grounds, a sense of relief washed over me. The spiritual energy within the temple seemed to provide some protection and comfort.

While waiting for Li Jianjun, I spoke to the temple's resident monk about my situation. The monk listened attentively and offered prayers for my sister's soul. He also advised me to remain patient and strong, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a clear mind in the face of supernatural occurrences.

Hours passed, but there was no sign of Li Jianjun. I began to worry, wondering if something had happened to him. Just as my anxiety reached its peak, I received a text message from an unknown number.

The message read: "I apologize for not being able to meet you in person. It seems that my presence has attracted unwanted attention. I'm currently dealing with a powerful spirit that has been unleashed. Please stay safe and trust in your own instincts. I will contact you again when it's safe."

Confusion and concern flooded my mind. Who could be sending me this message? And what did they mean by a powerful spirit being unleashed? I had more questions than answers, and the uncertainty only heightened my fear.

Days turned into weeks, and I remained in the temple, seeking solace and protection. I reached out to Li Jianjun several times, but there was no response. It seemed as if he had disappeared completely.

As I grappled with the unknown, I realized that I had to find my own path forward. Whether it was to uncover the truth behind my sister's death or to confront the supernatural forces at play, I had to rely on my own determination and resilience.

The journey ahead was filled with uncertainty, but I knew that I couldn't give up. I would continue to search for answers, even if it meant delving into the depths of the supernatural world and facing unimaginable dangers.
