Three months later, Zuo Yun and I returned to the coffee shop to have coffee. Since the disappearance of Yuan Nu, we have resumed our previous contact.

"How is Yuan Nu now?" I asked with a sip of coffee.

"She is completely gone. After all, she was an evil spirit. Even though she suffered a lot during her lifetime and becoming Yuan Nu was not what she wanted, she did indeed assist the tyrant and committed many sins," Zuo Yun replied and then handed me the mirror.

I looked at the empty mirror and thought to myself that Yuan Nu was indeed gone.

Suddenly, a figure slowly appeared on the mirror, becoming clearer and clearer, and it was me.

At this moment, I heard Zuo Yun's voice saying, "However, to create a fierce ghost that can live normally like a living person, Yuan Nu is not the best way, but living corpses are."

She looked at my terrified expression with a very pleased look on her face.

I looked at her and suddenly smiled, "But what if the living corpse cannot be controlled by anyone?"

No one knew that everything was intentional on my part.

The end.

Extra from A Yu

My name is A Yu, I have been unlucky since I was young.

The more unlucky I am, the more prosperous the family business becomes.

When I was young, I could see many things that others couldn't, such as Aunt covered in blood, my sister floating with no legs, my brother cut in half. I often woke up in the middle of the night because of nightmares, but all I had with me were dolls on the bed.

I also told my parents, but they never believed me and told me not to talk nonsense. It wasn't until I grew up that I realized the significance of what I saw, and that my parents knew what I had experienced but just didn't want me to affect their financial luck.

In high school, I was kidnapped once, and the person called me good material for creating ghosts.

Later, I was saved by a Taoist priest. He looked at me worriedly and told me that I bore the bad luck of a whole family, and as long as I was there, others would always have good luck.

At the same time, because of my special constitution, many evil practitioners who created ghosts also targeted me.

I felt like the sky was falling and begged to know if there was a solution, I just wanted to live a normal life.

But the Taoist shook his head and hesitantly told me that his skills were limited and could only save me for a few years. He gave me a jade talisman, saying that if I wore it every day, it could conceal some of my aura, but not from those with deep cultivation. And this talisman only had a duration of ten years.

Then he hesitated for a moment and said, "I heard of a method that can turn a living person into a living corpse. A living corpse does not age or die, but can move freely in the sunlight like a living person, not hindered by anything, but must obey the orders of its master. If the blood from the living corpse's fingertips is added during the transformation, the living corpse does not have to obey anyone's orders."

I asked for more information, but he refused to say more, only that it was difficult to create a living corpse and this method had long been lost, with only his master mentioning it.

After the Taoist left, I searched for a lot of information. The details about living corpses were limited, and many were fabricated by others, so I didn't know where to start.

I used the resources at home to find many masters, some were charlatans and some had some skills, but they had only heard of the method to create living corpses and had not actually seen it.

Until one day, a master told me that only the Zuo family might have the method to create living corpses. It turns out that the Zuo family is a prominent family in creating ghosts.

Since I had no way to contact anyone from the Zuo family, I had to put this idea on hold.

However, after entering college, I discovered something different about my roommate. The first time she saw me, her eyes showed a fanaticism of an inevitable victory. After she learned about my birth time and family relationships, her fanaticism intensified.

I found a classic book in her luggage that detailed the method of creating living corpses. She was indeed a descendant of the Zuo family.

I knew my chance had come.

Extra from Zuo Yun

My name is Zuo Yun, born in a family of creating ghosts. It was a family rule that every person must create a fierce ghost as a rite of passage after reaching adulthood. Only after passing the family test, one would be acknowledged by the family; otherwise, they would be expelled and unable to enjoy the family's resources.

I was the most talented child in the family of my generation, and my parents had high hopes for me. I often studied the materials in the family, and I had long ignored ordinary fierce ghosts, focusing instead on creating living corpses as my primary goal. However, creating a living corpse was extremely difficult.

The primary condition was that the child must be born at the hour of the rat on the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month, with distant parental ties.

Next, the materials needed to feed the living corpse were numerous, and some were rare, not even found in the family.

Before the creation of the living corpse, it had to drink the elixir for three consecutive years and place both body and soul into the family's precious item, the Sheng Yuan Mirror. After 981 days, the living corpse could be formed.

The elixir ingredients were rare, and it took me many years to collect them. Yet, I had not found a suitable candidate.

When I entered college, I immediately spotted A Yu among the crowd, her unique aura marking her as excellent material for creating ghosts. I secretly manipulated things to become her roommate.

Soon, we became familiar with each other. I learned that she was born at the hour of the rat on the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month. I was overjoyed, had my wait finally come to an end?

Feeding her the elixir went smoothly because she trusted me so much that she never questioned the food I gave her.

When we were almost finished, my parents suddenly called me back home, claiming that there was an urgent task they needed me to complete, requiring me to go on a long journey, possibly taking several years.

I did not want to abandon the creation of the living corpse, but the family mission was more critical. So, I placed a guiding talisman on A Yu. No matter where she was in the future, I would be able to find her.

Years later, I returned and found A Yu, only to discover that she had caught someone's eye. With such good material for creating ghosts, no one wanted to let her slip away.

I gave her the Sheng Yuan Mirror and instructed her to place it where it could reflect the door of the house. I did not lie to her; the figure in the mirror was indeed Yuan Nu. Yet, I did not mention that the mirror could only reflect one person. Things developed as I had anticipated, and A Yu trusted me a lot. I successfully collected her body and soul.

Three months later, the living corpse was created.
