The seven days passed quickly. As I watched the figure in the mirror become clearer and more like me, I felt uneasy but also anticipated the arrival of the seventh day.

A quarter of an hour before midnight, a hysterical scream pierced the sky. It was Zhiān Nǚ!

The door suddenly opened, and a figure twisted and covered with runes appeared before me. She angrily charged at me, shouting, "I was already living the life I wanted, so why are you here to obstruct me!"

Panicked, I ran downstairs, but despite running for what felt like ages, I still hadn't reached the first floor, even though my home was on the sixth floor.

A sense of unease exploded in my heart, and the surroundings grew chilly.

I swallowed hard and looked up at the sign in the hallway. In the dim light, the words "6th Floor" were glaringly clear.

What was going on? There was no time to think as heavy footsteps echoed from behind, and Zhiān Nǚ was getting closer!

In a panic, I ducked into the utility room in the hallway. As I fumbled around in the dark, I touched something cold. Looking up, a shattered face stared back at me in the dim light.

I desperately covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming, every cell in my body screaming in terror.

It was Aunt Yang.

Aunt Yang was our neighbor, very kind and always the first to help anyone in need.

Just a few days ago, I'd seen her greeting Zhān Nǚ, but now she was like this.

Step, step, step. The sound of footsteps faded as Zhān Nǚ walked away.

I breathed a sigh of relief, but at that moment, my phone rang, echoing through the silent hallway. The footsteps began to approach again.

Frantically, I shut off the ringtone and saw it was a call from Zhuo Yun. I quickly answered and whispered my situation to Zhuo Yun.

Zhuo Yun thought for a moment, "Ah Yu, don't speak now and try to minimize your breathing. The mirror I gave you can conceal your presence. Now listen to me."

"When Zhān Nǚ reaches midnight, she'll be trapped in the mirror. She must have sensed something odd and is now making a desperate move. If she catches you, she'll devour you. The corpse beside you is probably her last victim to maintain her appearance."

"Stay in the utility room no matter what happens, and don't come out until past midnight. I won't hang up the phone; I'll alert you to any emergencies."

I wanted to respond, but the approaching footsteps made me hold my breath. Zhān Nǚ lingered around for a while, seemingly unable to find me, and then walked away.

In the silent space, I could only hear my own frantic heartbeat.

Then, I heard my husband's voice outside, "Ah Yu, where are you? Why are you out so late?"

I anxiously wanted to warn my husband, fearing that if Zhān Nǚ saw him, he might end up like Aunt Yang.

"Don't make a sound. It might be Zhān Nǚ trying to lure you out," Zhuo Yun's voice came as a reminder. I calmed my anxious heart.

"Mom, where are you? Dad was killed by a monster." A little girl's sobs echoed down the hallway, sounding pitiful. Unable to control myself, I ran out, only to find no trace of my daughter or husband, just Zhān Nǚ smiling eerily at me, "Good sister, you finally came out."

She lunged at me.

"Run upstairs," Zhuo Yun ordered sharply.

"She can't hold on much longer. The illusion is failing. Run upstairs, and you'll soon reach the first floor. I'm on my way. Hang in there!"

I ran upstairs with all my might while Zhān Nǚ chased after me, emitting a piercing shriek.

"Why is it that we were born at the same time, but because of your good luck, you were born into a wealthy family, while I was born into a family that favored boys over girls, never valued, and eventually forced to marry a scumbag who tortured me to death. Why do you get to live such a good life, and now you even want to take it away from me?"

Yes, I was born at midnight on the fifteenth of the seventh lunar month. But this date was specifically chosen by my parents, who were told by a wise person that having a child at this time would transfer their bad luck to the child.

Indeed, after I was born, the family's business began to prosper. My parents were always busy with work and rarely paid attention to me.

Meanwhile, their expectations of me were extremely high. If I did anything wrong or failed to meet their standards, I would be severely beaten and confined to a room without food for a day and a night.

They only needed an obedient and capable daughter to boast about to others. In this family, I was not allowed to have any thoughts of my own, like a puppet that could walk and breathe.

After graduating from university, they wanted to marry me off to one of their middle-aged business partners to seek more investment. I sacrificed a lot to sever ties with them and gain my freedom.

I didn't know what to say to Zhān Nǚ. I sympathized with her plight, but that didn't justify her harming others to exchange for a better life. I was counting the seconds, hoping midnight would come soon.

As I reached the first floor's exit, I felt a rush of joy; midnight was near.

But then, in my haste, I tripped and fell down the stairs.

The red talisman on me accidentally floated out. Seeing it, Zhān Nǚ immediately grabbed and swallowed it. Her previously translucent body solidified.

She looked at me with a vicious gaze, moving faster than before. Within a few steps, she caught up to me. I closed my eyes tight.

With a loud crash, I opened my eyes to see the fortune-teller knocking Zhān Nǚ to the ground.

The fortune-teller looked at me anxiously, "Young lady, I heard Zhān Nǚ's scream nearby and rushed over. Thankfully, I'm not too late. Zhān Nǚ is stronger now; I can't deal with her directly. Quickly, drop some blood from your fingertip into this small bottle, and I'll take you away."

I thought initially he was in cahoots with Zhān Nǚ, but he saved me at a critical moment. He kept urging as Zhān Nǚ got closer. I gritted my teeth, ready to follow his instructions.

"Stop!" Zhuo Yun descended from above, knocking the bottle away. She found the mirror on me and drew a few runes on it, then turned it towards Zhān Nǚ. Zhān Nǚ screamed in agony, her figure growing more transparent until she finally vanished.

Seeing his plan foiled, the fortune-teller looked a little annoyed. He glared at Zhuo Yun, "Fellow Daoist, this isn't right. I was here first."

Zhuo Yun sneered, "Do you think I need to follow the rules with your kind of crooked ways? Now scram."

He looked at Zhuo Yun warily and left.

Zhuo Yun helped me up from the ground, and I took deep breaths as if reborn.

"It's all over now, Ah Yu," Zhuo Yun comforted me.

"Zhān Nǚ is gone, but the fortune-teller is still out there. Will he come after me again?" I looked at Zhuo Yun worriedly, remembering she said I was a rare and good material for ghost cultivation.

"No, he failed once and was seen by me. If he tries again, it will break the rules," Zhuo Yun reassured me.

Hearing this, I felt greatly relieved.

Late at night, I returned home, finding everything arranged the same way as when I was driven out. Looking at my restored reflection in the mirror, it all felt like a dream.

Watching my husband and daughter peacefully asleep, I thought to myself, it's all over. We can return to our normal lives again.
