I immediately got up and grabbed my wife's hand, asking her what to do. It was the first time she was so anxious and angry.

"You're asking me what to do. What can I do? Now you know fear, but what were you doing back then?"

Indeed, what could she, a virtuous woman, do? I could only squat down again in frustration and hold my head.

"Why don't you go back and ask Dad? Maybe he has a solution."

But how can I go out in my current state? I could only step back.

My wife could only grit her teeth.

"I'll go call Dad. Don't go anywhere."

I could only nod helplessly, then eagerly watched my wife leave.

Back in the room, I crawled into bed in fear. During this long wait, I felt my body itching slowly. I wanted to scratch it with my hands, but the more I scratched, the faster the scales grew, visible to the naked eye.

I fearfully tied my hands, but the itch made me restless. I couldn't control myself.

My wife went back to the countryside, so it was already four or five in the afternoon. To relieve the itch on my body, I had to endure the pain and pluck off the scales one by one.

However, for every scale I plucked, two or even three more grew in its place.

I was instantly frightened, and my hands started to tremble, replaced by the itch. I kept plucking more and more.

This itch was like a drug, corroding my consciousness until I fainted on the ground.

When I woke up again, it was already dark outside.

I opened my eyes, feeling a bit blurry, as if there was water clinging to my eyes. I blinked my eyes to dispel the mist.

And strangely, I felt that my eyes were wider apart, and I had to make an effort to focus them.

There was a person in front of me, and he seemed to see that I had woken up. I heard him sigh deeply.

It was my dad's voice. I turned my head to look at my dad. He seemed much older because of my situation.

"Why doesn't this kid listen?"

I heard my wife sigh again. I turned my head to look at her, but she didn't look at me, even though I saw worry and fear on her face.

However, I didn't know if it was my imagination, but I actually saw a hint of triumph in the corners of her eyes.

Yes, it was triumph. At this moment, she handed a cup of water to my dad, where he couldn't see.

Perhaps because I had turned into a fish, I saw that the water was blue-green. Even in a place my dad couldn't see, my wife smiled at me.

As time passed, I felt that my body was undergoing a tremendous change. Seeing them, I kept salivating, as if my dad and my wife were delicious food.

I licked my lips with my tongue, and when it grazed my teeth, I felt that my originally smooth teeth had become sharp. I didn't know when they had grown into sharp teeth.

I wanted to say a few words, but when I opened my mouth, I felt a cool breeze on both sides of my face.

In the kitchen, the glass door reflected my current appearance.

Aside from recognizing that the clothes were mine, who would recognize that it was me?+

I had completely turned into the appearance of my wife who had said she wanted to cook hot pot.

The gray-white scales were piled up on my body, and my originally rosy face had turned into a gray fish head.

There were even gills growing on the sides of my face.

Because of my terror, mucus started to flow from my fish mouth, dripping onto the floor.

I kept wriggling in the chair. Even though I had turned into a fish, my mind was clear.

I wanted to tell my dad that there was something wrong with my wife and ask him to leave quickly.

However, the more I struggled, the more my dad looked heartbroken. But what terrified me even more was that I couldn't make a sound no matter how I opened and closed my mouth.

"Dad, drink some water first."

I don't know if I exerted too much force or if the chair wasunstable, but suddenly, the chair tipped over, and I fell to the ground with a loud crash. My dad and wife rushed over in a panic.

My dad tried to help me up, but I wriggled away in fear. I didn't want to hurt them, but I couldn't control my instincts anymore.

I felt a surge of hunger overwhelming me, and I lunged towards my wife, who screamed in terror. In that moment, everything became a blur.

When I regained some semblance of consciousness, I found myself lying on the floor, surrounded by broken furniture and shattered glass. My wife was nowhere to be seen, and my dad was sitting in a corner, his face pale and filled with sorrow.

I tried to speak, to apologize, but my mouth could only produce guttural sounds. I was trapped in this monstrous body, unable to communicate or express my remorse.

Days turned into weeks, and I was kept in isolation. My dad took care of me as best he could, but the guilt and pain in his eyes were too much to bear.

One day, as I lay in my makeshift tank, staring at the water's surface, I noticed a reflection. It was distorted and grotesque, but it was still me, a twisted version of who I once was.

Tears welled up in my eyes, and I realized that I had become a monster, both inside and out. I had lost everything that mattered to me.

Months passed, and I continued to deteriorate. My body weakened, and I could feel my life slipping away. I longed for the release of death, to escape this torment and the pain I had caused.

Then, one day, my dad entered the room with a determined look on his face. He held a syringe in his hand, filled with a clear liquid.

He approached me slowly, his hands trembling. "I'm so sorry, my son," he whispered, tears streaming down his face. "I can't bear to see you suffer any longer."

With a heavy heart, he injected the liquid into my body. As the tranquilizer took effect, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. The pain and anguish faded away, and I closed my eyes for the last time.

And that was the end of my tragic transformation, the end of my existence as a man turned into a fish.

Perhaps it was a punishment for my foolishness, my greed, and my lack of consideration for others. Or maybe it was simply a cruel twist of fate.

But no matter the reason, the consequences were irreversible. I had lost everything that mattered to me, and I could never make amends for the pain I had caused.

My only hope was that my story would serve as a cautionary tale, a reminder to others of the dangers of selfishness and the importance of cherishing the ones we love.

May my soul find peace, wherever it may be.
