The day my heart fluttered was a hot summer day, with scattered rays of sunlight shining through the lush leaves.

Such beautiful sunlight, but it filled me with fear.

When I was young, I was timid and obedient, which made me a target for bullying.

They would always surround me under the trees on those summer days, asking me for money, sticking sanitary pads on me, or pouring drinks on me.

Their sharp and piercing laughter echoed in my ears, and people passing by would just take a glance and walk away.

No one dared to offend them. They said they were rich and had someone backing them up, so no one could provoke them.

As for me, I was too afraid to cause trouble, so I could only silently remove the sanitary pads from my back after they left, keeping my head down all the way.

When I returned home with my hair covered in stains, there would be no comfort waiting for me.

Only my mother's furious scolding. As time went on, I dared not speak up anymore.

The lemon-flavored drink splashed onto my head, dripping down into my neck. They laughed happily.

"What the hell are you all doing? If you bully her again, I'll break your legs!"

I didn't dare to lift my head when I heard the voice, afraid that I would be hit in the next second.

"Who are you? Dare to mess with me?" The leading girl began to provoke Gu Jin'an.

"You don't need to change your name or hide your identity. Gu Jin'an, Class Three in the high school department!"

After a while, the voices disappeared. He carefully helped me up and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

I cautiously raised my eyes and collided with the bright and dazzling eyes of the young boy.

The inexperienced heart kept pounding, finally settling on my cheeks, turning into a brilliant flush.

Since then, Gu Jin'an became the guiding principle of Lu Chuxiao's life.

What's even more coincidental is that after we moved, my mother and I met her old friend.

I heard Aunt Gu eagerly calling out, "Jin'an, Jin'an, come out quickly," and my heart was about to jump out of my chest.

After a while, Gu Jin'an reluctantly appeared with his messy hair. Aunt Gu took my hand and brought me to him, "Nuò, this is Chuxiao's younger sister, she goes to the same school as you, in the third year of junior high. You must take good care of her."

He raised his eyes, a flash of surprise passing through them, but it quickly returned to calm. He said lightly, "Got it."

The following Gu Jin'an truly treated me as his sister.

After school, he always stood at the gate, escorting me home. With him protecting me, no one dared to bully me at school anymore.

Gu Jin'an was a top student, but he was also a troublemaker who often got into fights and was sent to the disciplinary office.

According to my mom, he had always been a bit rebellious.

As time went on, our relationship became more familiar.

He no longer kept his head down and refused to speak to me. He would occasionally give me a tap on the head, with a slightly teasing tone, "Lu Chuxiao, scold me!"

Or he would pull off my hairband, teasing me in front, saying, "Lu Chuxiao, scold me!"

That day, I finally couldn't take it anymore and said to him, "Gu Jin'an, go to hell!"

He turned around in surprise, and his eyes were filled with a smile. "Yes! Just like that! Lu Chuxiao, from now on, be tougher! Big Brother Gu will protect you!"

The sunlight was warm that day, just like Gu Jin'an's smile.

From then on, I no longer feared the things that used to intimidate me.

In university, I worked hard to get into his school, just to be closer to him.

The messages he often sent me on WeChat were, "Lu Chuxiao, bring me some water."

"Lu Chuxiao, I'm here to pick you up, big brother."

"Lu Chuxiao, I'm hungry. Bring me some late-night snacks."

I willingly became his follower, enjoying everymoment spent with him.

One day, as we sat under a tree on campus, sharing stories and laughter, I felt a strange sensation in my chest. It was as if my heart skipped a beat, and then started racing uncontrollably.

I couldn't understand what was happening to me. Was it the heat of the day? Or perhaps something I ate?

But deep down, I knew it was something different. It was a feeling I had never experienced before.

As the days went by, that fluttering sensation in my heart became more frequent whenever I was around Gu Jin'an. It happened when he smiled at me, when he held my hand, or even when he simply looked into my eyes.

I couldn't ignore it any longer. I confided in my closest friend, telling her about the strange sensations in my chest whenever I was with Gu Jin'an.

She smiled knowingly and said, "Lu Chuxiao, I think you're falling in love."

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. Could it be true? Was I falling in love with Gu Jin'an?

It was both thrilling and terrifying at the same time. Thrilling because being in love meant experiencing a whole new range of emotions and possibilities. Terrifying because I didn't know if Gu Jin'an felt the same way.

I decided to confront my feelings and take a leap of faith. One evening, as we were walking together after class, I mustered up the courage to tell him how I felt.

With a pounding heart and sweaty palms, I turned to him and said, "Gu Jin'an, there's something I need to tell you."

He looked at me with curiosity and nodded, encouraging me to continue.

I took a deep breath and confessed, "I think I'm in love with you, Gu Jin'an."

For a moment, there was silence. I could see his eyes searching mine, trying to understand the sincerity behind my words.

Then, a smile slowly spread across his face, and he said, "Lu Chuxiao, you have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear those words."

My heart soared with happiness, and all my fears and doubts melted away. In that moment, it felt as if the entire world had stopped, and it was just the two of us.

We started dating, and every day since then has been filled with love, laughter, and adventure. We've supported and encouraged each other through the ups and downs of life, growing together in our journey.

The day my heart first fluttered was just the beginning of a beautiful love story, one that continues to unfold with each passing day.

And as I look back on that hot summer day, I'm grateful for the courage to follow my heart and the joy that came from taking that leap of faith.

Love truly has the power to transform and uplift, and I'm forever grateful for the day my heart fluttered and led me to Gu Jin'an, the love of my life.
